Larry Hogan: I Will Not Seek Republican Nomination for President in 2024

Former Gov. Larry Hogan (R-MD) said Sunday on CBS’s “Face the Nation” that he will not seek the Republican nomination for president.
Hogan said, “I did give it serious consideration and I talked to people everywhere, and I talked to my family. And it was a tough decision. But I’ve decided that I will not be a candidate for the Republican nomination for president.”
When asked about former President Donald Trump being tough on opponents, Hogan said, “That didn’t really scare me. You’re right. It would be a tough race. And he’s very tough. But, you know, I beat life-threatening cancer. So having Trump call me names on Twitter didn’t really scare me off.”
He added, “I didn’t need that job. I didn’t need to run for another office. It was really, I was considering it because I thought it was public service and maybe I can make a difference.”
Hogan concluded, “I didn’t want to have a pile up of a bunch of people fighting. Right now, you have, you know, Trump and DeSantis at the top of the field, they’re soaking up all the oxygen, getting all the attention. And then a whole lot of the rest of us in single digits, and the more of them you have, the less chance you have for somebody rising up.”
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