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New Bill From Missouri Republicans Would Save Kids From ‘Abhorrent’ Trans Surgeries

Republicans in the Missouri legislature have introduced a bill that aims to protect children from radical transgender activists by banning mutilative, experimental genital surgeries and cross-sex hormones for minors throughout the state.

Known as the “Missouri Save Adolescents from Experimentation (SAFE) Act,” the bill (SB 49) seeks to prohibit physicians or other health care providers from providing “gender transition procedures to any individual under eighteen years of age” and further bar providers from referring “any individual under eighteen years of age to any health care provider for gender transition procedures.” Health care providers that make referrals for such a procedure would be subject to disciplinary action from an “appropriate licensing entity or disciplinary review board.”

“The provision of gender transition procedures to an individual under eighteen years of age in violation of the provisions of this section shall be considered grounds for a cause of action against the health care provider for personal injury or death under chapter 538 and such cause of action shall be governed by the provisions of such chapter,” the bill reads. “An individual under eighteen years of age upon whom gender transition procedures were performed in violation of this section may bring the cause of action either through a next friend or his or her own name.”

It’s “abhorrent that we’re allowing this to happen for the sake of [so-called] gender affirming care. This is not care by any means,” bill sponsor and GOP state Sen. Mike Moon told The Federalist. “Parents are being misled and children are being lied to. Two young women that I’ve met recently told me that medical personnel told their parents that if they didn’t continue with these procedures, that their children would commit suicide. And both of [these young women] told me that this was the first time that suicide had ever entered their mind.”

While SB 49 has passed the Senate’s Emerging Issues Committee and now heads to the full, Republican-controlled upper chamber for passage, it’s unclear if the bill will receive a final vote before the body departs for spring break next week. According to Moon, if the Senate waits until Wednesday to bring up the bill for a vote, it’s “likely” Democrats could filibuster the measure “until the adjournment motion is made for spring break.” If that’s the case, he suggests senators should stay in session through the break until they can get the bill passed.

“If we’re not willing to give up our time off to protect children in Missouri, then why be in the legislature?” Moon asked.

Most recently, a whistleblower who previously worked at the Washington University Transgender Center at St. Louis Children’s Hospital came forward with allegations that the institution subjects children to irreversible surgeries that are “permanently harming the vulnerable patients in [their] care.” In an exposé published in The Free Press, Jamie Reed, a self-described “queer woman” who’s “politically to the left of Bernie Sanders” claimed the hospital system was harming children by helping facilitate their “transitioning,” which included giving minors puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones that “can have life-altering consequences—including sterility.”

Missouri GOP Attorney General Andrew Bailey has since launched an investigation into Reed’s allegations.

As The Federalist previously reported, other potential side effects of pumping children with such chemicals include “loss of bone density, increased risk of blood clots, premature brain aging and increased aggression, [and] reduced capacity for sexual pleasure,” just to name a few. Despite trans activists’ obsession with forcing these life-altering procedures onto unsuspecting children, studies have indicated that over 90 percent of minors suffering from gender dysphoria will see their dysphoria resolved “by the time they reach adulthood or even earlier.”

If successfully passed and signed into law, the SAFE Act would make Missouri the latest state to ban the horrific practices of mutilative transgender surgeries and chemical castration on children. Other states to ban such procedures include Arkansas and Mississippi, with Tennessee also slated to join the growing list in the near future.

Shawn Fleetwood is a Staff Writer for The Federalist and a graduate of the University of Mary Washington. He also serves as a state content writer for Convention of States Action and his work has been featured in numerous outlets, including RealClearPolitics, RealClearHealth, and Conservative Review. Follow him on Twitter @ShawnFleetwood

The Federalist

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