Jesus' Coming Back

Trump releases song with J6 prisoners…

Hey folks, read history because you’re doomed to repeat it! Right now, the infiltrated communists controlling this current US administration want you to stay asleep as these communist bastards steal this once glorious country called America…WAKE THE F Up!!!

Joseph Stalin murdered about millions of his own people who died in labor camps, forced collectivization, famine and executions, during his reign of power in the Soviet Union during World War II. As one example, it’s happening in the USA with the J6 heroes.

DO something!!! Support President Trump and other brave individuals who are trying to save America by urgently speaking out to your state reps, senators, family, friends. When you see it, call it out by saying NO to communism, NO to their lies, NO to their manipulations!

Free the J6 prisoners now!


Citizen Free Press

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