March 6, 2023

President Ronald Reagan’s doctrine for national security has been summarized as “peace through strength.”  He believed that projecting strength discourages aggression.  He understood that the schoolyard bully never picks a fight with those who are stronger.  If his doctrine remains valid in the 21st century, we are surely inviting trouble.  Unsurprisingly, bad actors are becoming emboldened.

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China has emerged as a global threat.  It’s buying or building strategic real estate around the globe.  It has flooded the United States with spies — stealing our technology and observing our capabilities.  In recent years, it has begun to militarily challenge the sovereignty of neighboring Taiwan.  Japan is beginning to rearm for a conflict that it believes is inevitable.

Russia is attempting to expand its border into Ukraine.  Our president threatened Vladimir Putin with regime change, and Putin responded with nuclear saber-rattling.  His military leadership have hinted at their willingness to use nuclear weapons, and Russia has withdrawn from the New START nuclear treaty.

North Korea has become a nuclear threat and now has a missile capable of reaching America.

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Iran continues to sponsor terrorism and has called for the assassination of a former U.S. president.  They’re apparently unconcerned about reprisal.

Our military leadership is even starting to talk about the unthinkable: WWIII.  General Mike Minihan is talking about when (not if) it will start.

While the world seems determined to flirt with global conflict, we continue to project weakness.

Military Weakness

Our 2-million-man military, with the most advanced weaponry the world has ever seen, surrendered to a ragtag 80,000-man force armed with nothing that couldn’t be carried in a pickup truck.  As part of the surrender, we donated approximately $7B of military hardware to that force (the Taliban).

After 21 years of a war we refused to win, our military stockpiles are depleted.  What we have left is being consumed by endless donations to Ukraine.