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Trump Promises GOP Will Never Again Be Led By ‘Freaks, Neocons, Globalists, Open Borders Zealots’; Trump Trounces Competitors in Annual CPAC Poll of Presidential Candidates; CPAC Straw Poll: Donald Trump 62, Ron DeSantis 22, Everyone Else Single Digits

Trump promises GOP will never again be led by ‘freaks, neocons, globalists, open borders zealots’:

Former President Donald Trump on Saturday smacked down neo-conservatives and establishment Republicans, saying that they would never again lead the GOP astray now that he had remade the party.

“With you on my side, we will demolish the deep state. We will expel the warmongers. … We will drive out the globalists, we will cast out the communists. We will throw off the political class that hates our country,” he said in a speech to the Conservative Political Action Conference outside Washington.

The former president said the neocons and globalists hate the U.S. and advocate for “no walls, no borders, bad elections, no voter ID.”

“When we started this journey — a journey like there has never been before,” Mr. Trump said, “we had a Republican Party that was ruled by freaks, neocons, globalists, open borders zealots and fools. But we are never going back to the party of Paul Ryan, Karl Rove and Jeb Bush.” ––>READ MORE HERE

Trump trounces competitors in annual CPAC poll of presidential candidates:

Those attending the annual Conservative Political Action Conference this year overwhelmingly picked Donald Trump as their favorite 2024 presidential candidate, confirming the conference remains intensely loyal to the former president.

Mr. Trump earned 62% in the straw poll, leaving a list of 25 other GOP names in the dust.

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, who many predict will jump into the presidential race in the coming months, came in second, with 20% of support.

The rest of the list scored low single digits with perhaps one surprise: Perry Johnson, who just announced his intention to run for president late this week at a VIP event near the conference, placed third, with 5% of the vote.

The relatively unknown Mr. Johnson beat Nikki Haley, the former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, and former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, Both Mrs. Haley and Mr. Pompeo spoke to the CPAC crowd this week. Mrs. Haley announced her 2024 campaign last month.

Yet, both she and Mr. Pompeo only won 1% of the vote, tying Sens. Rand Paul, of Kentucky and Ted Cruz, of Texas, and biotech tycoon Vivek Ramaswamy, for fourth place in the poll. Mr. Ramaswamy announced last month that he is also running for president, while neither Mr. Cruz nor Mr. Paul appears poised to run. ––>READ MORE HERE

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+++++CPAC Straw Poll: Donald Trump 62, Ron DeSantis 22, Everyone Else Single Digits+++++

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