March 8, 2023

In a recent interview, Archbishop Emeritus Gyula Márfi of Hungary “warned of a multi-pronged assault against European Christianity from left-wing forces within the E.U.” 

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In doing so, he said what many in the West, Christian or otherwise, know deep in their gut but dare not acknowledge for fear of being “canceled.”  

While the entire interview is well worth reading, a few excerpts are examined here.  According to the archbishop,

One of the most striking signs of the European Union’s anti-Christianity is that its constitution did not commemorate Europe’s Christian roots.

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Indeed, and as the Catholic archbishop must surely know, none other than the highest of his order — Pope Francis — is also keen on disavowing “Europe’s Christian roots.”  As the Vicar of Christ, an avowed supporter of unchecked Muslim migration into Europe, once said:

When I hear talk of the Christian roots of Europe, I sometimes dread the tone, which can seem triumphalist or even vengeful. It then takes on colonialist overtones.

He did not clarify how the desire to preserve the national, cultural, and religious integrity of one’s own homeland — in this case, Europe — can have “colonialist overtones.”  But it didn’t matter; just using the guilt-ridden word “colonialist” — which ironically refers to actions taken outside one’s homeland — was apparently the goal.

The archbishop continues:

They [the E.U] write about Greco-Roman traditions and enlightenment, but not about Christianity.  Yet ancient culture and art have survived precisely because of Christians: the writings of Virgil, Tacitus, Homer, and others have been copied by monks deep in their cells.

This, of course, is true. All throughout Western school rooms, Greco-Roman civilization is presented as the West’s heritage, even though Christian civilization not only preserved it, but is the much more direct ancestor of the modern West.