Jesus' Coming Back

MIC DROP — Father dresses as Julius Caesar to make a brilliant point…

Posted by Kane on March 11, 2023 12:58 am


A Concord, New Hampshire father who was banned from an elementary school dressed up as Julius Caesar at a school board meeting to drive his claims that a public school district is “facilitating gender confusion.”

“I am Caesar. Julius Caesar of Rome, the emperor. I am also a female,” Michael Guglielmo said. “Does anybody here believe that? That I am Julius Caesar? Anybody believe that? No, of course not. It’s ridiculous.”

Guglielmo called for the suspension of both Concord School District Superintendent Kathleen Murphy and Christa McAuliffe Elementary School Principal Kristen Gallo for “facilitating gender confusion” by allowing a genderqueer art teacher to teach at the elementary school.

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