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Poll: One-Third of Democrats Believe Joe Biden Has ‘Conflict of Interest’ with China

One-third of Democrats believe President Biden has a “conflict of interest” with China potentially affecting his administration’s response to China’s “aggressive actions against the U.S.,” a Convention of States Action/Trafalgar Group survey released this week found.

The survey asked respondents, “Due to the Biden family’s business relationships with China, do you believe President Biden has a conflict of interest when responding to China’s aggressive actions against the U.S.?”

Across the board, 57.2 percent said “yes,” Biden has a conflict of interest. 33.5 percent do not believe he does, and 9.3 percent said they are not sure.

While 54 percent of Democrats do not believe he has a conflict of interest, one-third, 33.3 percent, believe he does. Another 11.8 percent remain unsure.

Predictably, most Republicans and independents, 80.9 percent and 53.5 percent, respectively, believe Biden has a conflict of interest with China.

The survey comes over a year after the release of the revelations found in Breitbart News senior contributor Peter Schweizer’s Red-Handed: How American Elites Get Rich Helping China Win. As Schweizer reveals, the Biden family scored $31 million from five deals in China, all with individuals linked to the Chinese spy machine.

“The hazard of a Chinese businessman with close ties to the top ranks of Beijing’s spy agency conducting financial transactions with the son of the U.S. vice president cannot be overstated. How this did not set off national security or ethics alarm bells in Washington is a wonder in itself,” Schweizer wrote in Red-Handed.

The book also details Hunter’s relationship with CEFC China Energy Chairman Ye Jiemaing, who also had ties to Chinese intelligence.

As Breitbart News reported [emphasis added]:

Hunter would set up two entities with Ye, Hudson West IV and SinoHawk, to allow the Chairman to invest in U.S. infrastructure. In total, the Biden family received some $6 million from Ye’s companies.

It was in a deal with CEFC that Hunter reportedly discussed holding 10 percent for the “big guy,” Joe Biden.

The survey also showed a majority across the board said that the Biden administration should be “more aggressive in leading a global coalition to contain China.”

The survey was taken February 22-26, 2023, among 1,082 likely general election voters and has a +/- 2.9 percent margin of error. It comes on the heels of a February Convention of States Project/Trafalgar Group poll which found most asserting that Biden did not handle the Chinese spy balloon fiasco correctly, shooting the balloon down after it already made its way across the continental U.S.


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