March 13, 2023

If you support a school system that won’t teach children to read, do math, learn the simplest events in history, or understand the most ordinary facts about the world we live in, you’re guilty of child abuse.

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Maybe not sexual child abuse, but certainly academic child abuse, education child abuse, cultural and intellectual child abuse, cognitive and psychological child abuse.  You’re guilty.

Look at the evidence.  It’s the size of Texas.  To flee from your guilt, you might try to deny the undeniable and believe the unbelievable — for example, that the Education Establishment cares about improving education.   That’s funny because it doesn’t care even a little. For the people in that group, education is the enemy.  Evidently, they want dumbing down and mediocrity.  They have figured out that educated people are harder to control.  Why take a chance?  Surely, for them, less is more.

Is that difficult to accept?  Certainly no more difficult than news such as this: in 23 high schools in West Baltimore in 2019, no graduating senior could pass the basic proficiency test in math or English.  That’s crazy.  QED: Public school education is collapsing faster than a snowman on Malibu Beach.  Some 7,000 Baltimore students will not be able to advance in our economy.  They will stay reliant on welfare and will have low self-esteem.  That’s bad for the country.

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The teachers’ unions and professors of education are guilty of undermining our public schools…and thereby undermining the country.  Don’t help these irresponsible people. 

If you side with corrupt unions and Marxist professors, you’re guilty of bad faith, of aiding and abetting.  You deserve more blame than you’ve gotten so far.

Don’t you think the time has come to clean up this mess?  Face the facts, wallow in guilt, plan now for a better future.  Otherwise, you’re complicit.

The main thing to confront, to grapple with, is that public schools have been mediocre for many decades.  You watched it happen but did nothing.  You can look at the government’s official numbers, the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), and see that progress has flatlined.  Why aren’t you demanding better?

Do you know that our country 100 years ago was almost universally literate?  An eighth-grade education was probably more education than today’s college students receive.  Goals have been set artificially low.  You have to use such terms as “sabotage” and “malevolence.”  Some powerful people want bad schools.

To explain this to yourself, realize that crippling America was always the logical goal of the far left, the obvious goal.  All these people are quasi-communists of some stripe.  What is their first commandment?  Destroy capitalist society.