March 13, 2023

Let us resolve to reclaim our own words.

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The cloud of defeat enshrouding America is a spiritual, moral, and political conquest that seeks to control minds, debilitate character, and destroy institutions from within.  That conquest starts with the power to control our words.  We react, we write, we rail against them — but always using their words.  They control the conversation.  We have let the enslavers control our words.

The disruptive force throughout American history has been Christianity.  It disrupted slavery, segregation, and abortion because Christians rejected words of the oppressors.  They called slaves their brothers; they call the pre-born babies.  Freedom and sanity in your own life begin by reclaiming your words.  Bring intentionality to the words you speak.  If words don’t serve truth and freedom, don’t speak them.  Be a loud, proud Freedom-Talker.  Pledge to use language that expresses your values and beliefs, to refrain from false words, and to turn away from them without fear.

The Freedom-Talker’s Oath

“I solemnly swear to speak words of truth of my understanding and reject false words, so help me God.”

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The following 10 phrases are links in the chains around your neck.  But they can be pulled off.  Some refer to things that don’t exist; others are ignorant and dehumanizing linguistic distortions for things that do exist.

1. Our Democracy does not exist.  The word “democracy” does not occur in the Constitution.  We are a constitutional republic, not a democracy.  Philosophical arguments can be made regarding the democratic process in America, but the relentless use of our democracy is a coffin nail for the Constitution.

2. People of Color, Communities of Color do not exist.  The terms are actual hate speech designed to create a coalition of resentment among descendants of every continent except Europe.  Next time someone uses the term “POC,” if you are of European ancestry, point to your hand and ask, “Does my skin look like cellophane?”  All human skin has color.  The exclusionary term POC is racist.

3. Black, brown, red, white, yellow people.  Human races may imprecisely exist, but there are no subspecies of humans based on skin tone.  The conquerors and their treacherous retainers color-code people to devalue individuality, and to divide and conquer us by politically favoring some colors while punishing others.  Skin color typology is the fallacious framework that enabled the catastrophic shift from honoring achievement to honoring identity.  Want to understand why young people are discouraged?  Start there.

Do you believe that the government-media obsession with race and reference to monochromatic color groupings advances the framework of freedom?  If not, resist the conquerors’ cudgel-word Black.  It is rarely helpful to talk about race and never necessary to reduce human beings to a racial identity.  If it is absolutely necessary to talk about these identities, use cultural, not color terms.

4. Disinformation does not exist.  There are two kinds of false information: mistakes and lies.  The term disinformation is promulgated to obfuscate and sanitize lying.  Disinformation is lying committed by liars.