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America’s #1 Political Investigator Peter Schweizer Making Waves with ‘The Drill Down’ Podcast

The following content is sponsored by the Government Accountability Institute.

America’s number one political author, whom Tucker Carlson crowned the nation’s “most talented digger” of information, is now making investigative waves with a podcast called “The Drill Down with Peter Schweizer.”

“What makes The Drill Down unique is that we are exposing political corruption and secrets across the political spectrum on a weekly basis—often breaking investigative news scoops and naming names well before the Establishment Media,” said six-time New York Times bestselling author and Government Accountability Institute (GAI) President Peter Schweizer. “We also lay out the fact-patterns and cronyism that our investigative team unearths, revelations that expose Democrats as well as Republicans.”

The Drill Down, which Schweizer cohosts with GAI’s Eric Eggers, is quickly becoming a must-listen for insiders and newsmakers. “I listen to it all the time,” said Megyn Kelly. Former Congressman Jason Chaffetz said listening to the podcast allows listeners to “walk away with a deeper knowledge of the scams that are part of Washington.”

Indeed, since 2012, Schweizer’s GAI has been responsible for breaking some of the biggest political bombshells of the last decade. In 2015, Schweizer’s blockbuster book Clinton Cash sparked an FBI investigation into the Clinton Foundation and blew the lid off the Uranium One scandal. In 2018 and 2020, Schweizer and GAI scored #1 New York Times bestsellers with the release of the bombshell books Secret Empires and Profiles in Corruption—both of which exposed the Biden family’s vast and lucrative foreign corruption in China and Ukraine years before anyone had even heard of Hunter Biden’s laptop from hell.

Then, in 2022, Schweizer released yet another #1 New York Times bestseller with Red-Handed: How American Elites Get Rich Helping China Win. According to Publisher’s Weekly, Red-Handed earned Schweizer the moniker of #1 political author of the year. The book’s bombshell revelations included how the Biden family bagged some $31 million from individuals with direct ties to the highest levels of Chinese intelligence—even as Joe Biden personally benefitted while softening his position on China. Sean Hannity called the book’s revelations “massive.” And Mark Levin said Schweizer deserved to be nominated for the Medal of Freedom for the quality of his investigative nonpartisan journalism.

Between releasing GAI’s trademark bombshell book investigations, however, Schweizer and Eggers are using The Drill Down podcast as a way to give Americans weekly updates on GAI’s investigative findings in a fast-paced and entertaining format.  “Peter’s seriousness meets Eric’s snarkiness, and they produce heavy information for their audience, with a light lift,” said Lynda McLaughlin, the podcast’s producer who has also served as producer for Sean Hannity’s radio show. “Eric and Peter are the perfect complement to one another.”

What will Schweizer and the GAI’s forthcoming investigations and revelations include? The group isn’t saying—for now. But given Schweizer and GAI’s track record, whatever it is, it will involve exposing secrets and shaping history. “Call us old school, but we believe in following the money and the facts fearlessly no matter where they lead,” said Schweizer. The Drill Down podcast allows us to expose cronyism and get the information directly into the hands of the American people. That, we think, is the best and most powerful way to begin holding government accountable.”

You can check out The Drill Down podcast — and listen for free — here.


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