Jesus' Coming Back

German tourists visiting Israel attacked by Palestinians in Nablus

German tourists visiting Israel were lightly injured on Saturday when they were attacked by Nablus residents for entering the Palestinian city with an Israeli vehicle registration plate.

Photos and videos taken at the scene show the tourists were driving in a Tel Aviv share car that featured an Israeli flag on its rear end.

The two tourists managed to escape the crowd and were eventually escorted back to Israel by security forces, where they will be given medical treatment for their injuries.

German Ambassador to Israel Steffan Seibert condemned the attack on the two German tourists, stating that “a mob attacking tourists because they don‘t like their license plate is disgusting and cowardly.”

Violence in Nablus

Nablus has been the target of numerous IDF raids in search of Palestinian terror suspects over the past year as part of Operation Break the Wave. with gunfights often erupting between Israeli forces and armed Palestinians. 

Earlier this week, three members of the Lions’ Den terrorist group were killed and two other Palestinians were wounded by shots fired by Israeli forces near the Palestinian town of Sarra, west of Nablus.


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