Jesus' Coming Back

1,000 more J6 arrests are coming…

Let’s face it, the land of free is being lost to elites driving it toward communism. Maybe we didn’t understand Marx, thinking it would be outside forces who would overthrow Real Democracy through military war, when the real enemy, an elite who see the productive citizens as slave donkeys and cannon fodder, would be those to seize control by corrupting the Constitutional System.

Isn’t it interesting that most communist and dictatorship regimes call themselves, “democratic”?

Was this the path of other failing nations, moving through the throws of a Bananna Republic, weaponizing government, and finally arriving at tyranny? Are we becoming like the nation the Founding Fathers rejected in 1776?

When Sen Charles Schumer admits he fears the federal three-letter agencies(“They get the last word”) and we keep growing political prisoners from Jan 6, then, something has gone horribly wrong and the US government is behaving like the old Soviet Union. What lies must the employees of these agencies tell themselves to enable participation in a persecution to keep their jobs and go home to a family without a still small voice telling them what they are really doing? I’m just one, it won’t matter?

For the political “leaders” who promoted this persecution, a purulent “victory”, further dividing the nation, the hot Iron has already seared their conscience and it is deceased, replaced by dead men’s bones.

Citizen Free Press

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