Jesus' Coming Back

Helicopter Passes over What Looks Like a Rock Buried in the Snow until Pilot Spots a Hand

Two members of the California Highway Patrol (CHP) – officers Gus Aguirre and Travis Olson – pulled off the miraculous recovery, saving 81-year-old Jerry Jouret’s life, according to

The brother of the rescued man, Joe Jouret, claimed the rescue was divine intervention.”I just really believe it was a miracle,” Joe said.

It was late February, Feb. 24, when Jerry began his travels, attempting to drive from Big Pine, California to Gardnerville, Nevada. Normally, the drive takes three hours to complete, according to Insider. However, the Golden State had experienced winter storms. 

Jerry told family members that he was taking a smaller, less traveled way back to Nevada. His normal route was closed because of snow and ice. 

What should have just taken a matter of hours turned into several days!

It was days later, on Feb. 28 and Jerry’s family still had not heard from him. So, the family reported him missing, according to a social media post from the Inyo County Sheriff’s Office.

Wintry Weather Delayed Rescue Efforts

Authorities quickly acted, assessed the situation and concocted a plan to search along Highway 168 – the road Jerry had intended to travel. Authorities could only plan due to the wintry weather. 

But wintry weather continued to throw a wrench into the search and rescue plans. California received another snowstorm on March 1.

So, it was not until Thursday, March 2 – nearly a week after Jerry had set out on his journey – that crews deployed and began their search. Members of the CHP “identified a cellular pin from approximately 4 p.m. on Friday that was associated with the missing person,” the social media post reads.

Then Gus and Travis, who were in a helicopter, began searching the area from where the ping originated. During their aerial search, they spotted something that “looked like a rock,” Joe said.

When the helicopter went in for a closer look, a hand from a person in the snow-covered vehicle began waving. It was Jerry!

Rescue crews took Jerry to the hospital for examination. He left after being released from the hospital only hours later. 

How did this man survive days stuck buried in the snow? God’s love and protection, along with a diet of snow and croissants.

“Be strong and take heart, and have no fear of them: for it is the Lord your God who is going with you; he will not take away his help from you.”Deuteronomy 31:6

WATCH: 81-Year-Old Rescued after Being Buried under Snow for Days

Photo courtesy: ©Tetiana Shyshkina/Unsplash

Video courtesy: ©KPIX | CBS NEWS BAY AREA


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