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Surprise Grand Jury Witness May Have Destroyed the Whole Case Against Trump; “Totally Exculpatory”: Purported Cohen Letter To FEC Could Hobble Manhattan DA’s Trump Case; Letter from Michael Cohen Could Cripple Case Against Donald Trump

Surprise Grand Jury Witness May Have Destroyed the Whole Case Against Trump:

As Matt Margolis noted on Sunday, “Rudy Giuliani lawyer Robert Costello, a former legal advisor to Michael Cohen,” was set to appear on Monday before the grand jury that is currently persecuting and railroading Donald Trump, “with the sole intention of undermining Cohen’s credibility.” That he did.

Costello offered testimony that should explode Manhattan Get-Trump activist DA Alvin Bragg’s entire case and end all this talk about arresting the Democrats’ principal political opponent. But will it? Of course not. Witch hunters aren’t operating on the rational plane to begin with; they’re not going to be deterred by something so trivial as evidence.

Just the News reported Monday that Costello testified that Trump’s former lawyer Michael Cohen, who long ago turned on the America-First president, “paid Stormy Daniels without Trump knowing.” Costello said: “The heart of it is that Michael Cohen told us that he was approached by Stormy Daniels’ lawyer and Stormy Daniels had negative information that she wanted to put in a lawsuit against Trump. So Michael Cohen decided on his own, that’s what he told us, on his own, to see if he could take care of this.”

Cohen has long insisted that Trump told him to pay the porn star Daniels for her silence about their alleged affair, which Trump denies ever took place at all. If Cohen handled Daniels’ claim on his own and without Trump’s knowledge, can Trump really be arrested for the payment? Given the Leftist establishment’s manifest disregard for the rule of law, the answer to that question is: Of course he can, and probably will be. Nonetheless, Bragg’s case, which was already quite flimsy (as even the New York Times admitted), is sinking as if it collided with an iceberg. —>READ MORE HERE

“Totally Exculpatory”: Purported Cohen Letter To FEC Could Hobble Manhattan DA’s Trump Case:

A letter purported to be from Michael Cohen’s attorney says that Cohen acted alone when he paid Stormy Daniels in 2016 – a revelation which could undercut Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg’s case against Donald Trump.

“In a private transaction in 2016, before the U.S. presidential election, Mr. Cohen used his own personal funds to facilitate a payment of $130,000 to Ms. Stephanie Clifford [Stormy Daniels],” reads the 2018 letter from Cohen attorney Stephen Ryan to the Federal Election Commission, which asserts that Trump was not involved in the hush payment to the former porn star.

🚨BREAKING: New Bombshell Document DESTROYS Manhattan DA’s Case Against Trump

2018 Letter from Michael Cohen’s lawyer to the FEC declares Cohen used his own personal funds to pay Stormy Daniels. Trump Camp. NOT party to transaction, did NOT reimburse Cohen for payment. It’s OVER

— Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) March 22, 2023

“Neither the Trump Organization nor the Trump campaign was a party to the transaction with Ms. Clifford, and neither reimbursed Mr. Cohen for the payment directly or indirectly.” —>READ MORE HERE

Follow link to a relevant story:

+++++Bombshell Breaking Report: Letter from Michael Cohen Could Cripple Case Against Donald Trump+++++

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