March 24, 2023

Stubborn Trump supporters, especially the most fervent, seem unwilling to challenge the deedless covenant, ask the hard questions that if answered truthfully would confirm that Donald Trump has been a supreme letdown, and his failures —  including the re-election debacle — self-inflicted.

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Promises made, promises kept?  Not when it mattered.

Drain the swamp?  Spinning around in an airboat.

Trump never cleaned up the FBI, instead hired the Dem sympathizer Christopher Wray as Director, and except for a few gratuitous tweets about his incompetence, left him in place.

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Gina Haspel, CIA chief, kept the job until the last day despite the likelihood she was knee-deep with John Brennan in the active sabotage of Trump’s 2015-2016 campaign and incoming president-elect transition.

Trump appointed, then tolerated clueless insubordinates and leakers like Rex Tillerson, John Kelly, JR McMaster, James Mattis, and Gary Cohn, until the damage was done, and Trump’s agenda crippled.

Trump announces the appointment of General McMaster as National Security Advisor

YouTube screengrab (cropped)

When will unyielding Trump loyalists answer the following questions?

Why couldn’t Trump get illegal immigration fixed — beyond executive orders easily overturned — and get Obamacare reversed when he had a Republican Senate and House? Why did Trump let Paul Ryan ruin his platform? Why did Trump deliberately antagonize John McCain knowing McCain would undercut the final vote on debriding Obamacare?  Why did Trump willfully persist with a toxic persona, alienating suburban voters that cost him (and us) the House in 2018 and led to the first impeachment and a MAGA agenda declared morte by the Democrats?

Why did Trump endlessly rail against billions in federal budget giveaways to Dem darlings like Planned Parenthood, and Marxist countries, but signed the bills anyhow?

Why did Trump never de-classify all the Obamagate documents, and release all of the Biden laptop evidence?