Jesus' Coming Back

Biden tells ice cream joke right before school shooting statement…

Five things we know about Joe Biden:
1. He’s not very bright. He graduated near the bottom of his class at Syracuse, and given his history of plagiarism probably cheated to get even that far.
2. He’s got terrible judgement. Former Defense Secretary Robert Gates, who served in both Democrat and Republican administrations, said Biden was wrong on nearly every foreign policy question over his entire career.
3. He’s weak. Only one senior official in the Obama Administration advised against the mission to kill Osama Bin Laden: Joe Biden.
4. He’s corrupt. He is a known influence peddler, and he enlisted his degenerate crackhead son Hunter to be his bagman.
5. He has Parkinsonian dementia. His stilted walking gait, mask face, loss of train of thought mid-sentence, forgetfulness and angry outbursts are several of his symptoms.

Citizen Free Press

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