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U.S. Military Recruiting Numbers Dip to Record Lows; If Biden Wanted to Sabotage Our Military, What Would He Be Doing Differently?; Senate GOP Plots Confrontation of ‘woke’ Pentagon as Military Readiness, Morale Plummet

U.S. Military Recruiting Numbers Dip to Record Lows:

If Biden wanted to sabotage our military, what would he be doing differently?

It will come as no surprise to patriots, but it may surprise the Leftists who are sure that they can keep using Americans who love this country as their drones and cannon fodder on an indefinite basis: hardly anyone wants to join Old Joe Biden’s woke military. That’s perfectly understandable. Why go through all the trouble of going through training and risk getting sent to some unnecessary war when you can learn about Critical Race Theory and get vaccinated right at home? Recruitment levels are lower than they’ve been in decades, and instead of doing something about it, Biden’s handlers are working to drive the morale of military personnel even lower.

According to a Sunday report from WTOV in Steubenville, Ohio, “in 2022, the U.S. Army fell 15,000 recruits short of its goal.” Francis Nwiah, captain and commander, U.S. Army Bridgeport Recruiting, said, “It’s a national security concern. We are struggling to get folks into the Army right now.” Nwiah blamed the Shanghai Sniffles: “We got hit by COVID, that affected our modus operandi and how we operate as recruiters.” He didn’t say anything about relentless Leftist indoctrination and the politicization of the military, however, and that’s more likely to be the problem.

To try to get the recruitment numbers back up, the Army is spending $117 million to dust off its 1980s slogan, “Be All You Can Be,” and that’s terrific, because the slogan has so much more resonance now than it did in the Reagan era. Now a male recruit may decide that he wants to be all that he can be by becoming a female recruit, and the Army (using your money, of course) will pay for surgery to reinforce his delusion.

A catchy jingle, however, is not going to be enough. And so, in its characteristic tone-deaf and ham-handed manner, the Biden regime has made another move that is meant to improve Army morale and even foster a pursuit of excellence, but which in practice is likely only to cause resentment and division in the ranks. reported Wednesday that “the III Armored Corps, headquartered at Fort Hood, Texas, released a new policy earlier this year restricting which tank crews can name their vehicles.” The new rule “limits the ability to name tanks to crews who score in the highest bracket during gunnery — a qualification meant to measure how effective a crew is in combat.” —>READ MORE HERE

Senate GOP plots confrontation of ‘woke’ Pentagon as military readiness, morale plummet:

Top Republican Sen. Wicker on the Senate Armed Services Committee will address tackle the issues of a ‘woke’ Pentagon Thursday in a floor speech

Senate Republicans are prepping for a confrontation with officials from the Department of Defense over the “woke” policies being implemented into the U.S. military as personnel readiness and morale continue to plummet.

Senate Armed Services Committee Ranking Member Sen. Roger Wicker, R-Miss., will deliver a speech Thursday on the floor of the Senate that, according to one Republican aide, will focus on how a “woke” Department of Defense is affecting recruitment, morale and readiness in the military, and preventing it from being a strong enough force to deter growing threats from China.

“The U.S military is the largest, most diverse engine of social mobility in the country. It is the most successful civil rights program in the world,” Wicker is expected to say, according to excerpts provided to Fox News Digital.

“If you look at the policies the Department of Defense is promoting, you would be forgiven for thinking our forces are today under a cloud of segregation and extremism. The mission of the U.S. military is to deter real wars, not to wage culture wars within the ranks,” he is will continue. —>READ MORE HERE

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