Jesus' Coming Back

Disney’s ‘Frozen’ Star Josh Gad Blames Transgender Mass Shooter on Republicans

Disney’s Frozen star Josh Gad reacted to the transgender mass shooter who killed six people at a Nashville Christian school on Monday by blaming the Republican Party, stating “The GOP have decided that guns are more important than kids,” adding, “they have decided it is okay to let kids die.”

“The GOP have decided that guns are more important than kids. There are no two ways to look at this situation. It doesn’t matter how many children are massacred. They have decided it is okay to let kids die. Not mind you read certain books. That’s unacceptable. But dying is fine.”

On Monday, 28-year-old Audrey Elizabeth Hale — who believed she was a male — stalked the halls of Covenant School in Nashville, where she killed three children and three adults before she was successfully taken down by authorities.

Video footage of police responding to the mass shooting showed them firing multiple shots at the transgender until she was eventually put down, ending her carnage at Covenant School.

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Metropolitan Nashville Police Department

While Gad blames the Republican Party for the mass shooting carried out by a woman who identified as transgender, the Disney star made no mention of the fact that Hale had left behind a manifesto.

On Monday, police revealed that the Nashville killer left a manifesto, and while it has not been released, authorities indicated that transgender propaganda played a role in Hale’s motive.

After being asked by reporters if there was “any reason to believe that how she identifies has any motive for targeting the school,” Nashville Police Chief John Drake said, “There is some theory to that,” adding, “We can give you that at a later time.”

“We have a manifesto,” Drake revealed. “We have some writings that we’re going over that pertain to this date of the actual incident. We have a map drawn out of how this was all going to take place.”

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“There’s right now a theory of — that we may be able to talk about later, but it’s not confirmed,” the police chief added.

After being asked if “this was a targeted attack,” Drake immediately stated, “It was.”

“We’re investigating all the leads, and once we know exactly, we’ll let you know,” he added.

You can follow Alana Mastrangelo on Facebook and Twitter at @ARmastrangelo, and on Instagram.


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