Geraldo Rivera Calls for Assault Weapon Ban: ‘Shame on the 2nd Amendment’

Fox News host Geraldo Rivera said Tuesday on FNC’s “The Story” that America needed an assault weapons ban.
Fox host Brian Kilmeade said, “Here we are again, in minutes, we’re hearing about the guns are the problem, no assault weapons. Go to your corner, and let’s play politics before we know the facts. We watched the president of the United States make sure it was clear that I want my assault weapons ban. If you don’t get it, you know who is the blame. To me, that is really inappropriate yesterday, along with his remarks about ice cream.”
Rivera said, “I disagree. Aside from grieving, Martha, the breathtaking majestic, awesome courage of those cops should be the blueprint from now on. It should have been before this but from now on. Think of Uvalde, think of all of the places where the cops hesitated or Parkland, where bureaucracy got in the way. ‘Go, go, go, let’s go, let’s go,’ that’s what I want from the cops on my beat. I think that the job they did was just awesome.”
He added, “In terms of the weapons, what about Tennessee with a constitutional carry? This person could legally assemble that arsenal of seven weapons, including two AR-15s and a sawed-off shotgun. For God’s sake, if the Second Amendment shines on this person accumulating that arsenal, then shame on the 2nd Amendment. I think the assault weapons ban should be in place.”
Rivera concluded, “There’s been 130 mass shootings this year.”
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