March 29, 2023

I recently learned that a new political party was created and met the requirements for three states to include it. It calls itself the No Labels Party and, according to a video on its homepage, spokesman Ryan Clancy explains that No Labels believes that “every voice counts” in America, and not just one person’s or one party’s. Unfortunately, this party, which implies a new political alternative and offers such abounding platitudes, appears to stand for nothing at all.

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Clancy further states in the video that they “are not trying to create a third party” (which they have), that they don’t support particular candidates or interest groups, and that they are “not carrying water,” whatever that implies. As of this writing, Clancy adds that “soon No Labels will present some ideas that speak to American people” and makes it very clear that the 2024 election is the most important in our lives.

According to Clancy, the two major parties have “left us with no good choices.” He adds that this will likely force us to vote for the least bad options. Nothing new here. Agree or disagree, but I feel as though I have only had to choose from the least bad options for most of my voting life.

Image: Blank road signs by bedneyimages.

The No Labels website states:

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1. We care about this country more than the demands of any political party.

2. Political leaders need to listen more to the majority of Americans and less to extremists on the far left and right.

3. We are grateful to live in a country where we can openly disagree with other people.

4. America isn’t perfect, but we love this country and would not want to live anyplace else.

5. We can still love and respect people who do not share our political opinions.

6. We support, and are grateful for, the U.S. military.