March 29, 2023

Why are some Americans having such a hard time figuring out what is happening to our country?  And for those who do see, why are so few taking action?

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One in four Americans say they know someone who died from the COVID vaccine, and 50% now have less trust in government health experts.  Sixty-seven percent say they “weren’t surprised” hearing that COVID came from a Chinese lab.

Most voters agree that the FBI has been weaponized by the current administration, and 61% believe that government agents helped provoke the J6 riot.

Ninety-one percent think bail should be set for criminals who may be a danger to the community.

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Fifty-four percent think Biden is lying about his family connections to China.

Fifty-five percent of Arizona voters say issues in Maricopa County likely affected the 2022 results.

Sixty percent think climate change is a false religion, not scientific fact.

Most Americans now have zero trust in their government — the way it responds to health crises, the fairness of our law enforcement agencies, or its ability to conduct free and fair elections.  We think our president is a puppet of China.

So why does life seem to continue as normal?  In other countries, when elections are stolen or Social Security benefits are taken, it means rioting in the streets.

Why do we put up with policies pushing climate change and wokeism that make zero sense?  Who could entertain the idea that children can be given sex change treatments when just a few years ago, they were expelled from school for taking an aspirin without permission?