Dulis: Hollywood Celebrities Rejoice, Jeer at Trump Indictment — ‘A Glorious Day’

As surely as the sun rises and sets, Hollywood celebrities will share their hot takes on social media when major news breaks. And when news broke Thursday evening that their hated nemesis — former President Donald Trump — would be indicted by a Manhattan grand jury, left-wing entertainers erupted into a symphony of joy.
Reactions from the extremely online Trump-hating Twitter addicts fell into a few broad categories.
Party Time
First, there was mere celebration and excitement. Actress and singer Bette Midler simply wrote “INDICTMENT!” in all caps, at a loss for any other words.
— bettemidler (@BetteMidler) March 30, 2023
Celebrity chef Padma Lakshmi shared a brief video of children dancing happily:
Did somebody say indictment?? pic.twitter.com/nXavE5xx0W
— Padma Lakshmi (@PadmaLakshmi) March 30, 2023
Wonder Woman (the TV series) star Lynda Carter posted a gif from the viral music video “Crab Rave” — a meme employed for moments of extreme schadenfreude.
I was told there would be a crab rave. pic.twitter.com/431Ju9zdZd
— Lynda Carter (@RealLyndaCarter) March 30, 2023
Actor John Cusack said this news made the day “beautiful” — “glorious,” even.
TRUMP INDICTED! Manhattan – with the Wiesel flip! A beautiful day – a day I thought I’d never see – trump has done the impossible ; the entire system set up to make a president above the law – without admitting it . Only a pathological criminal idiot https://t.co/ZuwHPWB3A7…
— John Cusack (@johncusack) March 30, 2023
Embrace it – a glorious day – we not supposed to have kings- which is the whole point . https://t.co/xWwBbPU0ot
— John Cusack (@johncusack) March 31, 2023
Comedian and actress Sandra Bernhard praised her and her peers’ patience in waiting for this moment.
We waited patiently the day had arrived stand by #TrumpIndicted pic.twitter.com/BEl5tedXjp
— Sandra Bernhard (@SandraBernhard) March 30, 2023
Sorkinverse actor Joshua Malina made a Billy Joel reference to express pride in the city’s actions.
I’m in a New York state of mind. pic.twitter.com/qAhfrMUkoz
— (((Jew))) (@JoshMalina) March 30, 2023
Podcaster and comedian Marc Maron gave an understated word of gratitude.
what a great day this turned out to be
— marc maron (@marcmaron) March 30, 2023
Supporting actor (with the exception of 1996’s Basquiat) Jeffrey Wright reveled in imagining Republicans seething at the indictment — finding irony in Trump being prosecuted despite his past rally slogan of “Lock Her Up” (Hillary Clinton).
Let the whining & denialism begin! pic.twitter.com/SXnoS06N3O
— Jeffrey Wright (@jfreewright) March 30, 2023
(Retired?) filmmaker Michael Moore inexplicably posted a graphic of an orange color gradient while acknowledging the news.
SOMETHING. pic.twitter.com/aUarIxBNok— Michael Moore (@MMFlint) March 30, 2023
MTV alum and Pilates pitchwoman Daisy Fuentes Marx merely shared a party popper emoji.
— Daisy Fuentes Marx (@DaisyFuentes) March 31, 2023
They’ve Got Jokes
Naturally, there would be some one-liners attempted — emphasis on “attempted” for comic and filmmaker Albert Brooks.
Trump indicted for paying hush money! Apparently the hush part didn’t work.
— Albert Brooks (@AlbertBrooks) March 30, 2023
Jimmy Kimmel, the late-night host with the closest ties to Jeffrey Epstein, posted a Photoshop of that time Trump drank water with two hands and the progs went nuts. In this alteration of the picture — handcuffs! Can I get a Snopes article to clarify that he wasn’t actually handcuffed at the moment the picture was shot?
— Jimmy Kimmel (@jimmykimmel) March 30, 2023
Cusack actually had a decent one. Riffing off some truly terrible and dated TV poster parodies from Kimmel’s show account, the actor wondered if Trump would have his famed Oval Office “Diet Coke button” in prison if convicted.
Does prison have the Diet Coke button? https://t.co/6Snx9mGioi
— John Cusack (@johncusack) March 31, 2023
Actress Ellen Barkin quipped, “Finally he is first at something.” As if we had all forgotten Trump is the first WWE Hall of Famer elected President of the United States (or the first candidate with his own board game!).
Finally he is 1st at something.
— Ellen Barkin (@EllenBarkin) March 30, 2023
Wasn’t really sure where to put this one, but Tarzan (1999) actress Minnie Driver noted that Twitter’s algorithm in the U.K. gave more prominence to Stormy Daniels — the adult actress twisted up in this saga — than Trump himself. Could be a point about centering female voices or something.
In England, #StormyDaniels is trending, not trump.
— Minnie Driver (@driverminnie) March 30, 2023
Gimme More!
Given how flimsy and uncharted Alvin Bragg’s legal argument against Trump is — and given how insatiable the human heart is — another theme among the celebrity Twitter addicts was the desire for even more criminal charges against the former president. Director Rob Reiner expressed hope that the New York indictment would be the “first among many.”
Trump Indicted! First among many!
— Rob Reiner (@robreiner) March 30, 2023
Actress Mia Farrow predicted four indictments total, no further elaboration.
Guessing this is the first of 4 Trump indictments
— Mia Farrow 🏳️🌈 (@MiaFarrow) March 30, 2023
Cusack (again) wished for more Republicans to “follow him to jail,” spicing up the tweet with a flurry of invective.
Here’s a big Fuck you to the child abducting sociopaths fascists in the deathkkult gop – may you follow him to jail
— John Cusack (@johncusack) March 31, 2023
Deep Thoughts
Some of the Hollywood thought leaders took a gentler approach. Actress Alyssa Milano signaled how sad she is — not that a radical prosecutor is further weaponizing the justice system against political opposition, though.
Although accountability is vitally important and no one is above the law—this is a really sad day for The United States Of America. #TrumpIndictment
— Alyssa Milano (@Alyssa_Milano) March 30, 2023
George Takei, the Star Trek actor turned clickbait peddler, gave a heartfelt thanks to Attorney General Merrick Garland (whose DOJ did not pursue the same case Alvin Bragg is now pushing) for locking up MAGA terrorists, every single one of whom has been proven beyond a reasonable doubt to have perpetrated violence on democracy itself.
With Trump facing arraignment, I am thankful federal law enforcement under Merrick Garland arrested over 1,000 insurrectionists from Jan 6, sending a strong signal that violent, anti-government protests from MAGA and militias will not be tolerated.
— George Takei (@GeorgeTakei) March 30, 2023
Singer Nancy Sinatra gave a shockingly graceful announcement that she was not going to gloat or take potshots at Trump out of respect for the office of the presidency.
Not that it really matters what I think or do, but I have decided to ease up on Donald Trump. He is, after all, a former President of the United states and I will show respect for the Office. 🇺🇸
— Nancy Sinatra (@NancySinatra) March 31, 2023
Disney bit player Josh Gad went full “Incredible Thoughts” on us:
Trump wasn’t indicted because he’s got political enemies. He wasn’t indicted because he’s a celeb. He wasn’t indicted because of NYC bias. He was indicted because he is and has always been a criminal. This isn’t hard. When you constantly break laws, you pay the price. pic.twitter.com/idKbZhWaPO
— Josh Gad (@joshgad) March 30, 2023
Two and a Half Men star Jon Cryer delivered a snide missive for Republicans as a whole. He’s got our number, boys! Knows us better than we know ourselves!
Hi Republicans!
This is actually a great opportunity for you.
You could drop this inept, corrupt, utter douchebag like a hot rock if you want to.
But you won’t.
Because you’ve allowed your party to become a cult. https://t.co/9sr1Ujj4Z1
— Jon Cryer (@MrJonCryer) March 30, 2023
Gonzo Girl
This list would be nowhere near complete without soap opera star Nancy Lee Grahn, who’s forged an online niche for herself with some truly deranged takes. Grahn’s reaction to Trump’s indictment came in stages — live, uninhibited, ping-ponging thoughts. No filter — no dignity! Rapid-fire over a few minutes, then still fixating on the topic hours later. The kind of elite schizo-poasting we saw from Alec Baldwin in the 2010s. Here are her tweets, in sequence:
OMG!!! I needed this today!!! Glory be to the Grand Jury in NY!!!! Trump’s Indicted. MAZEL TOV!!!!!!!
— Nancy Lee Grahn (@NancyLeeGrahn) March 30, 2023
I’m not prepared. I need to put makeup on, blow dry my hair and put on something off the shoulder for the celebration. What are you guys wearing? What time are we popping the champagne? #TrumpIndictment
— Nancy Lee Grahn (@NancyLeeGrahn) March 30, 2023
We need a moment of silence for @StormyDaniels as we thank her for her service of servicing Mr. Mushroom and living to tell about it.
— Nancy Lee Grahn (@NancyLeeGrahn) March 30, 2023
I’ve got so many questions. Can we order the mug shot online? Do they have miniature fingerprint machines for tiny hands? Will there be a ramp involved in the perp walk cause that’s just good fun? If trump escapes b4 arraignment can they arrest Don Jr instead? #trumpindicted
— Nancy Lee Grahn (@NancyLeeGrahn) March 30, 2023
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