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Here’s Where Every GOP Senator Stands On The Risky Covid Shots

It’s no secret Senate Republicans are often late to the party when it comes to confronting critically important issues. But their overwhelming silence on the potential risks associated with the Covid-19 jabs is a whole new level of disgraceful.

Since their rollout two years ago, mounting medical data has indicated these shots are not as “safe” and “effective” as marketed. An analysis from Florida Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo, for example, found “an 84% increase in the relative incidence of cardiac-related death among males 18-39 years old within 28 days following mRNA vaccination.” In citing the analysis, Ladapo officially updated his office’s guidance on the shots in October, advising against giving them to 18-39-year-old males.

Ladapo’s office issued similar guidance in March 2022 advising against offering the experimental jabs to children under 18 due to the “[l]imited risk of severe illness” posed by the virus, the “[h]igh prevalence of existing immunity,” and the risk of myocarditis, among others. At the request of Gov. Ron DeSantis, the Florida Supreme Court impaneled a grand jury in December to investigate potential “wrongdoing” by the shot’s manufacturers.

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But it’s not just Florida that’s concerned about the overall safety of the Covid jabs. Countries such as Germany, France, Denmark, Finland, Sweden, and Norway have all recommended against “the distribution of the Moderna Covid shots for individuals under the age of 30,” with all of them “citing the documented risk of heart inflammation among young people as justification.”

Despite such widespread data and concerns, most Senate Republicans seemingly couldn’t care less. In order to get some answers, The Federalist reached out to every U.S. Senate Republican to find out whether they’re concerned about the Covid jab’s documented risks. The vast majority of them did not respond to The Federalist’s request for comment.

While the offices of some senators, such as Bill Cassidy of Louisiana, Tommy Tuberville of Alabama, and Marco Rubio of Florida, did respond to The Federalist’s inquiry, they did not provide comment prior to this article’s publication.

Fortunately, there were a few Senate Republicans that seem to care about this critically important issue. Here’s what they had to say when asked about the Covid shot’s potential risks and how they intended to use their position to get answers from U.S. federal health agencies regarding the approval process for the experimental jabs.

Ron Johnson of Wisconsin

Johnson has been the most vocal Senate Republican to publicly voice concern about the Covid jab’s potential side effects. Over the past several years, the Wisconsin senator has held numerous roundtable events with medical professionals and the vaccine injured to discuss the efficacy and safety of the widely distributed shot.

In a statement provided to The Federalist, Johnson reiterated his commitment to advocating for the “vaccine injured who deserve to be seen, heard, and believed so that they can obtain treatment and compensation for their injuries.”

“I’ve been concerned and speaking out about vaccine injuries since early 2021 when the CDC’s VAERS safety surveillance system was flashing obvious warnings that were tragically ignored and suppressed by the Covid Cartel,” Johnson said. “I will continue to pursue, uncover, and expose the truth by consulting with eminently qualified doctors and medical researchers who have also been raising the alarm over vaccine injuries and the harms done.”

Rand Paul of Kentucky

When pressed for comment, Paul spokeswoman Halee Dobbins directed The Federalist to two clips of the Kentucky senator speaking about the increased risk of myocarditis among young men who received the mRNA injections.

“Most of the rest of the world doesn’t give this vaccine to anyone under 12, and … if your kid’s already had Covid, he doesn’t need a Covid vaccine,” Paul said during an appearance on “Jesse Watters Primetime” last week. These pharmaceutical companies “are not being honest because obviously they’re self-interested and they love the mandates.”

As The Federalist previously reported, children are the least at-risk demographic with respect to Covid-19.

Eric Schmitt of Missouri

In a statement provided to The Federalist, Schmitt spokesman William O’Grady highlighted the senator’s track record on fighting Covid mandates. O’Grady did not, however, indicate whether Schmitt is concerned about the documented risks associated with the Covid shot.

“When he was Missouri’s Attorney General, Senator Schmitt was the national leader in pushing back on COVID tyranny. He was the first in the country to file suit against OSHA’s Orwellian vaccine mandate and won in the Supreme Court of the United States, blocking the mandate,” O’Grady said. “As the Senate starts to delve into the harms of tyrannical COVID policies and ineffective mask mandates, Senator Schmitt will be ready, willing, and able to take on this fight.”

Mike Lee of Utah

While unavailable for comment, Lee’s communications director, Lee Lonsberry, shared a webpage with The Federalist highlighting the Utah senator’s pushback against President Joe Biden’s unconstitutional September 2021 Covid jab mandate for major private businesses and federal workers.

Last year, Lee, along with GOP Sens. Johnson, Mike Braun of Indiana, and Cindy Hyde-Smith of Mississippi, introduced the Countermeasure Injury Compensation Amendment Act. The measure was designed to “help those who have suffered adverse reactions” from the Covid jabs.

John Cornyn of Texas

In a statement provided to The Federalist, a representative for Cornyn said the Texas senator will “continue to perform oversight of federal health care agencies through his position on the Senate Finance Committee, and supports further investigation into how the CDC and FDA make decisions on vaccine recommendations.”

Cornyn’s rep did not say whether the senator has concerns over the Covid shot’s alarming potential side effects, however.

Shawn Fleetwood is a Staff Writer for The Federalist and a graduate of the University of Mary Washington. He also serves as a state content writer for Convention of States Action and his work has been featured in numerous outlets, including RealClearPolitics, RealClearHealth, and Conservative Review. Follow him on Twitter @ShawnFleetwood

The Federalist

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