Jesus' Coming Back

Man born in 1846 talks about fighting in the Civil War…

Posted by Kane on April 2, 2023 12:29 am


Saturday Night Special

Julius Franklin Howell (January 17, 1846 – June 19, 1948) joined the Confederate Army when he was 16. After surviving a few battles, he eventually found himself in a Union prison camp at Point Lookout, Maryland.

In 1947, at the age of 101, Howell made this recording at the Library of Congress.

This is believed to be the only known video clip with sound of Civil War Veterans playing their instruments. It’s likely either from the 1929 GAR Encampment in Portland, Maine (Sept. 8-13), or from the 1938 Reunion in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, which had both Union and Confederate soldiers in attendance and occurred between June 29 and July 6.

Citizen Free Press

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