Jesus' Coming Back

‘Sh*tshow’: Trump’s Appearance at Manhattan Court for Arraignment Turns into ‘Spectacle’

Former President Donald Trump’s appearance at the Manhattan Courthouse on Tuesday for his arraignment has turned into a “midday, high-profile” “spectacle,” as one law enforcement official claims, “It will be a shitshow.”

Trump was offered a chance to surrender “quietly” and be arraigned over Zoom, according to a law enforcement official involved with some of the planning, told Rolling Stone; however, the former president instead wanted to have a “midday, high-profile” at the Manhattan courthouse.

The law enforcement official acknowledged that this would be a “nightmare” for the Secret Service because they could only strongly suggest what the former president should do at his arraignment and not order him around. The Secret Service reportedly wanted him to hold the proceedings outside of court business hours with fewer cameras to have less risk on their part.

Instead of Trump entering through the secure tunnels at the courthouse, he wants to, in broad daylight, “get out of the vehicle and walk up the stairs,” “greet the crowd,” and have a “perp walk.” A source close to his legal team told Rolling Stone that Trump wants to use this to “galvanize” his supporters.

On Tuesday, Trump is scheduled to be arraigned a 2:30 p.m. However, Rolling Stones reports that Trump is expected to arrive at the courthouse around 11:30 a.m. This comes after the Manhattan grand jury voted last Thursday to indict Trump for his alleged role in paying “hush money” to a porn star — Stormy Daniels. The felony indictment is still currently sealed, but it reportedly includes more than 30 counts related to business fraud.

“It’s kind of a Jesus Christ thing. He is saying, ‘I’m absorbing all this pain from all around from everywhere so you don’t have to,’” the source told Rolling Stone, noting that Trump wants to send the “powerful message” of “if they can do this to me they can do this to you.”

When it is time to appear, where he is expected to plead not guilty, everything else at the courthouse will temporarily pause so the floors above and below him can be secured.

Rolling Stones further explained some characteristics of a regular arraignment of what the former president will go through with his security:

Trump will be fingerprinted and processed, and will have his mug shot taken in the booking office, a small office in the courthouse. He will not be handcuffed, according to the law enforcement official. “Secret Service said absolutely not, no cuffs, no way.”

Outside, there will be counter-snipers on rooftops. NYPD will be outside, with riot gear, bracing for protests to turn violent. Secret Service will have about 40 agents posted around the courthouse. Trump’s personal detail, known as “the shift” will be inches away from him at all times.

The source says that Trump’s mugshot will be anything but ordinary, owing to the Secret Service team surrounding him at all times. “We may have a group mugshot,” the official says. “I wish I was joking, I’m not.”

The law enforcement source says this “will be a shitshow,” while a source close to his legal team called this “a great cartoon,” adding, “They [Secret Service] have to be close to him, so what? Trump’s mug shot will be the former president surrounded by 12 guys in suits with guns wearing sunglasses?”

Rolling Stones noted there are three planned protests: Monday night outside Trump Tower and two on Tuesday.

Jacob Bliss is a reporter for Breitbart News. Write to him at or follow him on Twitter @JacobMBliss.


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