April 3, 2023

America has officially descended from Ronald Reagan’s “shining city upon the hill” to a banana republic on par with Cuba, Venezuela, or the former Soviet Union.

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Elected officials from both parties have no interest in slowing America’s decline and most are cheering it on.

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Just this week, any semblance of fairness, justice, equal protection under the law, and a host of other principles which allowed America to thrive for almost 250 years were thrown out the window. America’s demise didn’t begin this week and can be traced to the days of FDR and then the liberal big-government explosion of the 1960s.

There were several checks and balances along the way, tapping on the brakes of America hurdling toward the abyss, specifically Presidents Ronald Reagan and Donald Trump. Other Republican presidents merely took the foot off the accelerator, allowing America to coast closer to calamity while Democrat presidents floored the gas pedal, speeding up the decline.

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The Biden administration, not content with pedal to the metal acceleration, added a supercharger to the engine and filled the tank with high octane gasoline, turning a fast car into a race car. This past week illustrated the precarious state of America as a beacon of freedom and liberty.

Start with the indictment of former President Donald Trump. A Manhattan district attorney turned a misdemeanor, long past the statute of limitations, into a federal crime which his Manhattan D.A. predecessor, the U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York, the former New York Attorney General, and the Federal Election Commission deemed to not be a crime and declined to prosecute.

Principal players including Stormy Daniels and Michael Cohen, in written statements, made clear that even the misdemeanor didn’t happen. Yet here we are with the Democrat party and its weaponized judicial system choosing to indict their political opponent who will be the likely Republican presidential candidate next year.

This does not and never has happened in America, the government in power using such might to destroy their political opponents. Yet here we are.

This same week, independent journalist Matt Taibbi, was visited by the IRS.  Taibbi had the gall to publish some of the Twitter Files, documenting collusion between U.S. federal 3-letter agencies including the FBI, CIA, DOJ, DHS, CDC, and FDA and big tech behemoths in order to control the free flow of news and information, censoring anyone they disagreed with, in flagrant violation of the First Amendment.

The same day Taibbi was testifying before Congress about his investigations, the IRS came to his New Jersey home, unannounced, to inform him of upcoming investigations into his taxes. Quite the coincidence of timing.