April 5, 2023

Ask about the assumption that everyone has a right to equal justice under the law, and the majority would answer, “Yes, of course!”  Yet, the reality is that many, particularly partisans from the other side, are unwilling to suspend their hatred for all things Trump.  For these individuals, a two-tiered system is just fine.

President Trump has little chance of getting a fair shake by our judicial system.  Between venue shopping, judge shopping, and DA shopping, a corrupt judicial system is perfectly okay — declinations or prosecute murder are not out of the ordinary.  Still, these ideologues are more than willing to do whatever it takes to sabotage Trump’s 2024 run.

This conflict can be compared to feelings concerning the abortion issue.  You either have a visceral distaste for killing babies, or don’t see a fetus as a living being until that baby draws its first breath.  Abortion and Trump highlight our ability to support emotional judgments over logic and the law, which is on full display as we are culturally and socially divided.

A woman’s “right to choose” is inviolate, according to some misguided individuals.  I say misguided on purpose because I don’t fully trust someone with such a different idea on a subject as consequential and final as whether to kill a fetus/baby in the womb for personal convenience.  What else might they believe could be dangerous or untenable to my way of thinking?  Maybe they think it is fair to redistribute wealth because they have a profound belief in “fairness.” What limits exist for someone who does not think logically?

Why do I compare Trump and abortion?  For people who hate Trump and are okay with abortion, there’s a common disconnect.  Their inability to put aside logical arguments in favor of irrational thought.  Many people who hate Trump because he’s a loudmouth and lacks subtlety find it impossible to argue their position on the merits.  They are the same as people who shout mindless slogans at those with whom they profoundly disagree.  They spout clichés, poorly formed arguments, and high emotion, trying to make those actions substitute for logic.  For them, that’s all that’s required.

Trump has dealt with hundreds of lawsuits before, during, and after his presidency.  Lawsuits, too often without merit, are nothing more than political Machiavellianism to counter losses at the ballot box.  Tragically, Donald Trump was never allowed to really govern.  During his second try, the Destroyers ensured that what was heard was negatively edited to fan the flames of hate for those predisposed to listen to the worst.

Am I crazy?

I’ve been listening to CNN daily for two solid weeks.  I have yet to hear anyone mention anything about corruption within Biden’s family.  But CNN frequently alleges that Jared Kushner’s deal with the Saudis is somehow illegal.  Not at all the same or even similar!  Thousands of words and messages, even by Biden acolytes, would lead any thinking person to believe that Biden should at least be suspected of influence peddling.  I found that CNN isn’t interested in that consequential possibility.  Listen to the many shocking excerpts from Hunter Biden’s laptop or Bobulinsky’s testimony.  There are significant differences between the situations of Hunter Biden and Jared Kushner.

For example, what has Hunter accomplished in life compared to Jared?

Hunter was discharged from the U.S. Navy Reserve shortly after his commissioning due to a failed drug test.  Since late 2018, his tax affairs have been under federal criminal investigation.  (Hunter Biden’s life is graded an F by the 1 plus 1 Foundation.)  When I read the summary about Jared Kushner in the mostly woke Wikipedia, there was no real dirt to uncover.  (Jared Kushner gets a solid –A.)

Who would you want watching your back in a pinch between these two?

Building a foundation for my following takeaway is essential.  I talk to people regularly and know no practical way to test their true beliefs.  How do I tell if they believe what they espouse?  How much of what they so easily say is just populist rhetoric?

I remember a time when what we said mattered.  In too many examples today, equivocation and sound bites frequently emanating from people’s mouths appear to be nothing more than groupthink.  It’s far too easy to speak without thinking, for spouting off has few consequences today, and this emotional “activism” is part of appearing hip. What comes out of our mouths today is either a passport to riches in certain circles or the doorway to some cancellation waiting room for you and me.

Consider our educational problems, the social restraints that most acknowledge, and those who don’t want to know the truth because if they did, they would, in good conscience, be forced to act to change things.  Our homeland and her citizenry are in deep trouble.

We have passed the point of our system being simply corrupt.  We have moved beyond partisanship; we now have leaders who concocted among many falsehoods still believed, the Russian narrative.  No longer strictly politics, we are at war with ourselves and have become as thoroughly divided as we were at the commencement of the Civil War.  And that is the way our enemies want it to be.

In 1946, Martin Niemöller wrote this often-quoted meme:

First, they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.
Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

As I reread these familiar words, I think of my friends who see Trump as unworthy of traditional American due process.  I see hatred, dismissal, and more.  I see an American president elected once, who “lost” his re-election bid under unusual and unique circumstances.  Were those not in play, he would have been elected again with millions more than the 73.6 million votes he received in 2016.

Yes, Trump is very much a bully, a braggart, full of himself, and an individual who many can’t stand.  But, we must not lose sight that he was the duly-elected president brought low by his detractors and enemies in the court of public opinion.  He was never judged for the many exemplary accomplishments of his presidency.  Are we forever doomed to mediocrity in the highest office in our land, or even worse as we are with Biden?

What exactly is it that we do want from our leaders?  We all need to decide before we dismissively reject the Donald Trump portrayed to us by his enemies.  It is true that even with a grand jury, if no one goes to bat for the defendant, a ham sandwich might be indicted if the intent is dishonest enough.  We must decide what we expect from our highest leaders, seek out the best of us, and support and defend them at all costs.

God Bless America!

Allan J. Feifer—Patriot, Author, Businessman, and Thinker.  Read more about Allan, his background, and his ideas to create a better tomorrow at www.1plus1equals2.com.

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