April 6, 2023

Dylan Mulvaney is attempting the impossible.  Scientifically and biologically speaking, no matter how many hormone treatments and surgeries he goes through, the chances of him becoming a woman are equal to becoming Audrey Hepburn.  Zero and zero.

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The man is hardwired to be a man.  His maleness is as deep as it gets.  It’s in his DNA.  It’s molecular.  In truth, no amount of want to can make him a woman.  The same goes for Ellen Page, now calling herself Elliot, regarding her desire to be a man.

In truth, Dylan and Ellen are talented, charismatic, beautifully created people who’ve been hoodwinked by desire and delusion.  Neither can do diddly to change who they are, who they’re made to be.

What is our responsibility to those who desperately want to be something they’re not?  Should we enable them to pursue irreversible medical procedures with a “you do you” or “follow your heart”?  Do we do like Kamala Harris and salute Dylan’s courage to live “authentically”?

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What happens when Dylan and Ellen wake up in 40 years and wonder what in the world they did to themselves?  Lest this seems like an overreaction, the suppressed truth is that many “trans” people do regret their genital mutilation and hormone treatments.  As they age and their bodies react to radical attempts to re-gender themselves, they deeply regret what they’ve done medically.

And for what?  For an absolute lie.  In truth — literally — transgenderism is a delusion.  It’s an absurdity made possible by our seemingly modern understanding of truth.  Here’s the hitch: one’s “truth” is utterly useless when grappling with a world built on immutable laws.

In transgenderism, subjective truth seeps into the ironclad realm of reality.  When it comes to realizing one’s transgender truth, reality is rendered meaningless.  Desire is everything.

Since the tragedy of the school shooting in Nashville, the de-gendering delusion — and its enabling — has deepened dangerously.  Last Thursday, protesters descended on the Tennessee Capitol to decry our collective transphobia — our “fear” and rejection of the impossible.

Incredibly, protesters held up seven fingers to symbolize the six victims of Audrey Hale’s shooting spree.  Six plus Audrey, you see.  According to them, she is a victim.  A society that fears transgenderism victimized her.

Audrey Hale was a shy girl with a beautiful smile who stockpiled guns and ammunition.  Reportedly, she hid them from her parents while undergoing emotional counseling.  Then she exploded in a suicidal shooting spree.