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Biden’s Delay In Downing Spy Balloon Now Reeks Even More; Report: Chinese Spy Balloon Collected Intelligence from Sensitive Military Sites, Sent Back to China in Real-Time, and related stories

Biden’s delay in downing spy balloon now reeks even more:

So the Chinese spy balloon was likely sending information back to Beijing the whole time it was meandering across the United States.

Why again did Team Biden wait so long to shoot it down?

Both CNN and NBC report that the craft was equipped to transmit data as well as collect it.

The officials who relayed that info also note that Washington acted to restrict what it could gather by shutting down activities at US bases as the balloon soared above them.

Yet why let it proceed at all?

First detected as it entered US airspace over Alaska Jan. 28, it went on its merry way until the Pentagon had it shot down Feb. 4 off the South Carolina coast.

But the Bidenites didn’t even admit its existence until Feb. 2, after Montana locals spotted it in the air and the story made national news.

The administration’s excuse is that downing it over populated areas might’ve harmed civilians — though it crossed plenty of desolate spaces during the trip, especially at the start. —>READ MORE HERE

Report: Chinese Spy Balloon Collected Intelligence from Sensitive Military Sites, Sent Back to China in Real-Time:

The Chinese spy balloon that traversed across the continental U.S. before President Joe Biden had it shot down collected intelligence from sensitive military sites, at times doing figure eight formations to hover over certain sites according to a report.

The balloon gathered intelligence from “several” military sites, despite the Biden administration insisting that measures were taken to prevent that from happening, NBC News reported Monday, citing two current senior U.S. officials and one former senior administration official.

According to the report, China was able to control the balloon so it could make multiple passes over some of the sites, including flying figure eight formations, and transmitting intelligence back to China in real time.

That intelligence was mostly electronic signals from weapons systems or communications from base personnel, the officials told NBC News.

“I Think They’re Compromised” — Rep. Tim Burchett on Biden Admin’s China Balloon Debacle

The balloon first entered U.S. airspace over the Aleutian island chain in Alaska on January 28, and allegedly entered Canada before reentering the U.S. over Idaho on January 31 and flying over Malmstrom Air Force Base, home to U.S. nuclear assets.

The balloon first entered U.S. airspace over Alaska on Jan. 28, according to the Biden administration, which said it was tracking it as it moved. Within the next four days, the balloon was flying over Montana — specifically Malmstrom Air Force Base, where the U.S. stores nuclear assets. —>READ MORE HERE

Follow links below to related stories:

Chinese spy balloon gathered intelligence from US military sites: report

GOP Sen. Roger Wicker Slams Biden Pentagon for Withholding Details on Chinese Spy Balloon Incident

Pentagon downplays intelligence gathered by Chinese spy balloon surveillance

Chinese spy balloon was able to get intelligence on US military sites: Report

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