Hawley Says the FBI Is ‘Infiltrating’ Churches, Spying on Americans

Tuesday on FNC’s “Hannity,” Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) accused the FBI of “infiltrating” churches and spying on Americans.
The Missouri Republican called for accountability for the FBI because of these claims.
“Senator, did the attorney general of the U.S. just lie to you in that exchange?” host Sean Hannity asked. “Do we now know that?”
“Sure looks like it, Sean — sure looks like it,” Hawley replied. “Listen, he knew at the time that he couldn’t answer the question because it looks so bad. He knew that it looked beyond the pale, and it is beyond the pale, Sean, for the FBI to be going into any church in America and trying to spy on Americans, and now we know that’s exactly what they were doing. They are infiltrating churches. They are trying to spy on us.”
“They regard churches apparently as the enemy and church-going Americans as akin to terrorists,” he continued. “And, yeah, the attorney general sat right there and told me, no, we don’t do that, and now we know they do, in fact, target churches, and they have been. There’s got to be accountability for this, Sean. He’s got to be called on the carpet. The House needs to call him. The Senate should call him, too. But the Democrats will never do it.”
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