April 12, 2023

We are in a battle between good and evil, but evil cannot be honest about its true nature so it must lie.  

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The New Saint Andrews College recently produced a very powerful video entitled LIES, with the thesis that lies lose all their power when the deceived become wise. With laughter being the best weapon against these lies, it’s the ‘assault weapon’ of choice in the cultural civil war in which we are engaged.

This is why the fascist far-left hates President Trump, Tucker Carlson, and others — because they puncture their lies and have a good time doing it. 

The forces of freedom have lightness and laughter on our side. We have the ideas that work: individual liberty, and limited government. Economic freedom and property rights have sown prosperity for ages. We can be honest because we’re the good guys and gals. And we can laugh at their lies and drive them insane. Better make that more insane, considering where they are now.

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Contrast that with the evil of our time, the forces of fascist control of the far left. They’re relegated to darkness, derangement, and, frankly, demons. Their ideas have never worked, discussed at first in ancient Greece in Plato’s Republic, their Utopia (literally ‘no place’) was a book written over 500 years ago (Published in 1516) about a fictional island in the Americas that even the far left admits was the first ‘socialist’ position’. Their ideas were tried and failed in the first colonies of the Americas over 400 years ago and in the first failed experiment labeled socialism in New Harmony, Indiana in 1825. And it’s been downhill ever since, with nothing to show for it but ‘a pyramid of corpses every few years’ to paraphrase George Orwell.

Given this contrast, it should be bloody obvious why the left has to incessantly lie, gaslight and deceive the people continuously. No one except for the tiny ruling class minority would support them if everyone knew the truth. The question then becomes, how do they lie and how do we counter them with the truth?

Let’s start with the fact that lying is a survival skill for the left. Over the millennia, lies have been the only way they can stay alive. Their skills of deceit and deception are akin to the mottled pattern of coloration on a snake to keep it hidden on the forest floor. Deceit has become ingrained in their psyche and their skills have been polished and perfected over generations. 

Leftists depend on lies for their very political survival to the point that they’ve ‘progressed’ their skills to a multifaceted art form. Developing different types of dishonesty that are mutually supportive from lying with language, history-switching scams, and projection — is one of their favorite tactics of all time.

Each of their tyrannical tools has its place in their rainbow of deception. Lying with language is a passive activity that works constantly over time. History-switching schemes have to be ruthlessly enforced with vehement argumentation whenever they are brought up. And projection is always an ongoing project, but they know their nonsensical work in this field always seems to yield results over time.

Lying with language is one of their base methodologies of mendacity and the amazing thing is that they practice this with hardly anyone noticing. How many times have you suddenly seen them all use the same phraseology seemingly out of nowhere?