Jesus' Coming Back

Jihadists Bomb Christians’ Good Friday Service in Uganda

Location of Kamwenge District in Uganda. (OpenStreetMap contributors, Jarry1250, NordNordWest, Creative Commons)

Location of Kamwenge District in Uganda. (OpenStreetMap contributors, Jarry1250, NordNordWest, Creative Commons)

NAIROBI, Kenya (Morning Star News) – Muslim extremists exploded a fuel bomb during a church’s Good Friday night service in western Uganda on April 7, sources said.

The explosion at NABI Pentecostal church in Biguli, Kamwenge District damaged part of the building, a parked car and several motorcycles, an area source said. Church security apprehended one of six suspects, Bwambale Sadadi of Kilembe quarters, Kamiba Ward, Kasese Municipality in Kasese District, and turned him over to police, the source said.

“The police interrogated Bwambale, 28, who  confessed that he carried out a jihad activity for jannah [paradise] in this holy month of Ramadan as a way of serving Allah and that he will reward him in paradise,” said the source, whose identity is withheld for security reasons.

Area Christians were shocked.

“While members were praying, there was a loud explosion of fire that caught part of the front church with the petrol explosion while the faithful were conducting a night prayer meeting,” the source said.

Church security and members intercepted the suspects’ vehicle, a red Bajaj Boxer motorcycle, he said.

“They were seriously pursued by the church security guard and other church members, but five other attackers managed to escape,” the source said. “Bwambale was caught by security personnel who contacted the police, who responded immediately and arrested him.”

Police were continuing to investigate as they sought the five other suspects.

The assault was the latest of many instances of persecution of Christians in Uganda that Morning Star News has documented.

Uganda’s constitution and other laws provide for religious freedom, including the right to propagate one’s faith and convert from one faith to another. Muslims make up no more than 12 percent of Uganda’s population, with high concentrations in eastern areas of the country. 

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