April 19, 2023

It has often been speculated what would happen to this nation if a decadently compromised president who willingly succumbed to extortion from both domestic and foreign interests were elected.  That possibility is no longer in the realm of speculation.  For the past 27 months the United States has experienced this devastating eventuality, as no president in this nation’s history has been as susceptible to domestic and international blackmail as Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr. 

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Nonetheless, in their unbridled hubris, the Democrats’ puppet masters turned to Joe Biden whom they could portray as a “moderate” in order to defeat Donald Trump.

While Trump was in office this same cabal vociferously proclaimed that “A president openly susceptible to blackmail cannot serve.”   In a stunning example of hypocrisy, they chose the most susceptible president in American history.  However, they failed to understand that the Communist Chinese and Marxist penchant for using political blackmail to achieve their objectives would determine the fate of the country during his presidency. 

The hubris of the American ruling class and venality on the part of Joe Biden has placed the United States in the position of being humiliated and extorted by the Chinese Communists, who have bribed his son, family and ultimately him.  Once Biden became president, the Chinese expected reciprocity with the unspoken reality of their exposing the depth of his duplicitous and potentially treasonous activity hanging over his head.

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At the beginning of the Biden presidency in a March 2021 summit meeting, Chinese diplomats, in an unimaginable breech of diplomatic protocol, publicly lectured and deliberately humiliated the Biden Administration.  Biden’s response was to claim the meeting went well and the Chinese delegation really didn’t mean what they said.  He essentially telegraphed to Beijing that he understood they owned him.  

China shamelessly continues their 3-year refusal to explain why and how their virology lab in Wuhan was the epicenter of the Covid-19 virus.  They know that Biden and his administration will not seriously press them on the issue or hold them responsible for the pandemic. 

China unapologetically and defiantly flew a surveillance balloon across the country to spy on key military bases knowing full well there would be no repercussions.  Not only were there no repercussions, Biden, in defending the Chinese, unabashedly lied to the American people about what they were doing.

Mexico, France, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, all once solid American allies are openly criticizing and moving away from the United States as they and a growing list of countries are cozying up to China recognizing not only China’s growing global influence but that Xi Jinping, not Joe Biden, effectively dictates United States foreign policy.

China, in alliance with Russia, India, and multiple African and South American countries, is determined to eliminate the U.S. Dollar as the global reserve currency.  A potentially devastating blow to the American people and the U.S. economy effectively relegating the country to second-tier global status.  Biden has given China the green light by dutifully choosing to ignore China’s tactics and the long-term consequences to America.

Meanwhile, China is dramatically expanding its influence in Africa, South America and the South Pacific region as well as taking over the dominant role the United States has maintained for decades in the always volatile Middle East.  Thus, China is effectively isolating and surrounding the United States while, not unsurprisingly, Biden is not pushing back or developing any counterstrategy.