Jesus' Coming Back

International sex trafficking operation broken open by Israel Police

Israel Police raided the homes of 15 people suspected of involvement in an international sex trafficking ring on Wednesday morning.

The suspects have been the target of an undercover investigation carried out by Lachish District Israel Police forces over the last few months along with the Israel Tax Authority and the Southern District Prosecutor’s Office after the suspicion arose that they were involved in an international trafficking network.

The network uncovered by the investigation would operate to bring women into Israel from abroad, with a focus on women from the former USSR. Once in Israel, they would be pimped out for sexual services.

The network was headed by four suspects, men and women, who employed other suspects in an organized manner, with defined positions including financial management personnel, hotel owners to provide women housing, drivers to bring the women to their “clients,” and employees who would “market” the women and maintain relationships with criminal groups abroad in order to locate potential victims for their scheme.

As part of the investigation, the Lachich District police uncovered the method by which women would be pimped out to clients. Upon their arrival in Israel, each woman would be professionally photographed, and she would be assigned a nickname and price tag for various services that clients could purchase. From there, her details would be distributed among the customer base through a variety of different platforms. 

This is a developing story.


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