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In first, Defense Ministry building to light up on Remembrance Day

For the first time in history, the Defense Ministry building in Tel Aviv will be illuminated on Remembrance Day with the word “Yizkor” (Hebrew for ‘[will] remember’).

The word “Yizkor” will be projected onto the building’s landing pad roof as a huge remembrance candle will be simultaneously projected onto the building itself. The number 24,213 will also be projected onto the building, representing the number of fallen in the service of Israel.

Defense Ministry’s project to commemorate

This will be part of the Defense Ministry‘s primary commemoration project of lighting virtual memorial candles on the government website Interested citizens are invited to write the word “Yizkor” on the Defense Ministry website and share it on social media.

Like every year, the Defense Ministry’s Department of Families and Commemoration leads the national commemoration project for those fallen in the service of Israel on the internet and on social media. This year, in order to increase interest and to invite the public to light a memorial candle for the fallen, the Itzhak Rabin House where the Defense Ministry is headquartered will be illuminated for the duration of remembrance week with 24,213 fallen of Israel. 

The enterprise, which was approved by Defense Ministry director-general Maj.-Gen. (res.) Eyal Zamir, and the leaders of the Department of Families and Commemoration along with the Amon department comprising operations, logistics, and assets, is designed to strengthen the emotional bonds and identification of the citizens of Israel, in particular the youth, with the state remembrance day and with the fallen.

Through the Izkor website, web users can light general memorial candles or a personal candle memorial candle, from a search list, write a personal dedication and share it on social media, such as Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp and Telegram. Additionally, you can view all the dedications on their personal memorial page.

To light a candle, go to:


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