Jesus' Coming Back

Taibbi: Media Ignoring Developments on Hunter Laptop Letter Shows We’re Becoming Like USSR Where Media ‘all Lies’ with ‘No Real News’

On Friday’s broadcast of Newsmax TV’s “The Record,” journalist Matt Taibbi stated that the lack of mainstream media coverage of the “massive story of national consequence” of former acting CIA Director Michael Morell’s role in the letter claiming that the Hunter Biden laptop story was Russian misinformation is an example of how “we’re starting to come to” the “same situation” as in the Soviet Union where “nobody read the newspapers because it was all lies and there was no real news in [them].”

Taibbi said, “There [are] a couple of things about that that are remarkable: Number one, scan the pages of mainstream news coverage today, and you will not see anybody covering that story. That’s the story about Michael Morell admitting his role in that, the former acting CIA Director. That’s a massive story of national consequence, and it’s just simply not in the news, much like the Twitter files reports were completely ignored. So, what kind of country are we living in now? It’s — I went to school — I’m old enough to have gone to college in the Soviet Union and nobody read the newspapers because it was all lies and there was no real news in [them]. Well, we’re starting to come to that same situation in America.”

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