April 22, 2023

That they hate is us clear. But why do they hate us? And why are they so crazy?

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It’s their religion.

While based on Christianity, what they have is bent and twisted. Let us compare their “version” to the real one.

The Great Commandment of the New Testament, taken from the Old, is “Thou shalt love God with all thy heart and mind, and thy neighbor as thyself.” This is a personal command, directed at each individual person. It should be, because our worth is judged individually, and our salvation is gained on the basis of individual merit.

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What if someone messed with the Great Commandment, “just a little”? They did. The “Great” Imperative is: “We shall love God with all our hearts and minds, and our neighbors as ourselves.”

Instead of the individual being the focus, the operand, of the commandment, now it’s the collective. Worth is now assessed collectively, and salvation is gained collectively. The most important thing is to be among the “we.” Salvation depends on it.

Thus, it is not so much that the Great Commandment has been set on its head as that it has been perverted. A heretical formulation has given birth to a heretical and perverse religion.

Sacraments and prayer to help the individual keep the Christian Commandment are replaced by rites aimed at demonstrating membership in the collective. Thus, “Virtue signaling” is engaged in, reminiscent of odd superstitious incantations that used to be condemned as primitive.

And like old superstitions, such rites have little reference to the real world in terms of logic or effectiveness. They are absurd, and very often dangerous.

Which is why logic and rationality, indeed, reason itself, is a thing alien to these people. Nuclear power plants are, in objective fact, non-polluting and therefore green, but the Left hates them.