Jesus' Coming Back

Gotaways Are Surging; Mission Accomplished for Mayorkas? Known Migrant Got-Aways Top 400K in Past Six Months

Gotaways Are Surging; Mission Accomplished for Mayorkas?

Midway through Fiscal Year 2023, at least 400,000 illegal aliens have evaded capture at the southern border.

This “gotaway” figure, up 30 percent from the same period last year, must be considered a conservative estimate. Though the Border Patrol can count migrants who were detected but not detained, there are whole other groups of people who were neither seen nor captured.

In any event, human smuggling cartels increasingly like their odds of success.

Take Texas’ Del Rio Sector, for example. Border Patrol’s weekly recap for March 26-April 1 tallied 3,850 apprehensions and 2,242 known gotaways. During the month of March, agents detained some 24,000 migrants while reporting nearly 11,000 gotaways.

Gotaway estimates are a compound of: 1) migrants seen crossing the border, but not apprehended; 2) migrants who are part of a group that is only partially apprehended; and 3) estimates based upon tracks found in smuggling areas.

The 30 percent increase in gotaways is just the tip of the iceberg because Border Patrol apprehensions do not necessarily result in removal. Under the Biden administration’s catch-and-release policies, more than 700,000 illegal aliens have been paroled into the U.S. over the past two years —>READ MORE HERE

Known Migrant Got-Aways Top 400K in Past Six Months:

A Border Patrol report reviewed by Breitbart Texas shows that more than 400,000 migrants are classified as known got-aways during the first six months of Fiscal Year 2023. The report shows more than 60,000 got-aways in March.

Breitbart Texas obtained an unofficial Border Patrol report that indicates more than 400,000 migrants crossed the border illegally between ports of entry and were not apprehended by agents in the field. The report shows the number of got-aways in March jumped from nearly 51,000 in February to more than 60,000 in March.

Migrant got-aways are a conservative estimate of the number of migrants who are seen crossing the border but cannot be apprehended at the time, migrants that are part of a group that is partially apprehended, or by estimating numbers based upon tracks found in smuggling areas.

The estimated number of known got-aways during the first six months of Fiscal Year 23, which began on October 1, 2022, topped 400,000, the report reviewed by Breitbart News reveals. This is up by more than 30 percent over the same period in FY22 when officials estimated there were just under 300,000 known got-aways.

The Tucson Sector reported the highest number of got-aways. The nearly 18,000 got-aways represent a small increase over last March’s report. El Paso also leads the year-to-date numbers with more than 106,000 estimated known got-aways. —>READ MORE HERE

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