April 24, 2023

BLM has self-identified as a Black nationalist entity, which underscores the need for the Republican Party to focus on the ties between this entity and the Democrats.

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I have reported previously how the Black Lives Matter Global Network has glorified foreign and domestic terrorists, cop killers, and Fidel Castro, and has taken actions both the Anti-Defamation League and International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance define as anti-Semitic: denial of the right of Israel to exist. The organization has also encouraged looting and other forms of civil unrest.

The following statement is not from a right-wing news source; it is straight from BLM’s official web page. This relates to the group’s controversial decision to spend millions of dollars on property for the use of its leaders.

“Second, this property has served as a safe haven to protect the leaders of our Black nationalist movement. Our leaders and their families, including their children, have been targeted by white supremacists. They have been threatened with physical harm. We have a responsibility to protect them, and this property has supported those efforts.” [emphasis added]

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There is no place in our society for physical threats against other people and their property, whether from white supremacists against BLM or BLM against law-abiding citizens and their property. The central issue here is that BLM has openly self-identified as Black nationalist, and we need to look at exactly what that means.

What is Black Nationalism?

  • According to Wikipedia (supported by references in both cases), “Black nationalism is a type of racial nationalism or pan-nationalism which espouses the belief that black people are a race, and seeks to develop and maintain a black racial and national identity..” Wikipedia adds, “White nationalism is a type of racial nationalism or pan-nationalism which espouses the belief that white people are a race and seeks to develop and maintain a white racial and national identity.” This comes across as the same kind of trash from two different dumpsters, and I am using the family-friendly version of what I am really thinking. There is only one nation between Canada and Mexico, its citizens come in all colors, and there is no place here for a white nation, a Black nation, a nation of Islam, or anything other than an American nation.
  • Black nationalists don’t like Jews very much. According to Eunice Pollack [emphasis is mine],

“…racialized forms of antisemitism and anti-Zionism took shape, spread, and intensified among Blacks in the US from the era of Malcolm X through the current Black Lives Matter movement. … one concluded in a Black students’ magazine that ‘Caucasian Jews’ continue to ‘defile and trash and defecate on the rest of the world,’ and warned that ‘Caucasian Jews . . . should not expect anyone to respect or protect their humanity or even shed a tear when something catastrophic happens to them.'”

This sounds a lot like the dehumanizing and even violent rhetoric that came out of the Nazi Party in the 1930s, and a lot of Black criminals are acting on this in mostly Democrat-run cities.

“Behrman said he believes the assaults are part of a disturbing game by some African-American teens. ‘And they’re playing a game: ‘knockout.’ ‘Knock out the Jew,’ maybe. And they’re going around the neighborhood punching Jews,’ Behrman said.”

This is not to say that white criminals don’t also commit anti-Semitic violence; alleged synagogue shooter Robert Bowers is a Caucasian. Most anti-Semitic hate speech comes, however, from the extreme political Left in the United States including diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) “professionals” and women’s and gender studies departments.