Deep State Celebrates Tucker Carlson Departure from Fox with Anonymous Leaks

Senior ranking officials within President Joe Biden’s Department of Defense who spoke on condition of anonymity were reportedly filled with “delight and outright glee” at Tucker Carlson’s departure from Fox News, according to Politico.
Carlson’s segments on Tucker Carlson Tonight frequently criticized the upper ranks of the U.S. military for being “woke.”
“What if the woke brain virus began to infect the last remaining meritocracy in this country, the bedrock guarantee of our safety and our freedom? That’s the U.S. military. If that happened, it would be a legitimate disaster,” Carlson said in one program.
Related: Zoe Lofgren: “It’s a Blessing for the Country” Tucker Carlson Off Fox News
As Politico reported:
Carlson’s criticism of Biden-era personnel policies appealed to many of the rank-and-file, which has a large bloc of conservative members. But at the upper levels of the Defense Department, news of Carlson’s firing from Fox News on Monday was met with delight and outright glee in some corners.
“We’re a better country without him bagging on our military every night in front of hundreds of thousands of people,” one senior Defense Department official told the outlet.
“Good riddance,” a second official told Politico.
Carlson was not surprised by the senior DOD officials, telling Politico, “Ha! I’m sure.”
Ohio Sen. J.D. Vance (R) accused the officials who spoke with Politico of being cowards for “hiding behind anonymity.”
“Every ‘senior Pentagon official’ who commented on this story while hiding behind anonymity is a coward,” Vance tweeted. “Call me old fashioned, but senior military officials should maintain neutrality about hot button political topics. And they certainly shouldn’t run to one media outlet to gossip—anonymously—about another.”
Every “senior Pentagon official” who commented on this story while hiding behind anonymity is a coward.
— J.D. Vance (@JDVance1) April 26, 2023
Jordan Dixon-Hamilton is a reporter for Breitbart News. Write to him at or follow him on Twitter.
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