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NYC ICE ‘mostly booked’ for Migrants Needing Court Dates — through 2033; Report: Foreign Nationals Using Biden’s Migrant Mobile App Have 99% Chance of Being Released into U.S.

NYC ICE ‘mostly booked’ for migrants needing court dates — through 2033:

New York City’s worst-in-the-nation federal immigration office wait time continues to grow — with appointments for migrants waiting to get a court date after illegally crossing the southern border now “mostly booked” through March 2033.

The latest figure indicates new arrivals may have to wait a full decade just to get a date to go before a judge — then cool their heels an average of nearly four more years before proceedings are completed.

Tae Johnson, acting director of US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), claimed to a congressional panel Tuesday that he was working to tackle the stunning field office backlogs, including by trying to figure out how to use video conferencing to speed up the process.

“There is some request to the Hill to give us the authority [where] we can actually serve it virtually and have people agree to accept their documents electronically,” Johnson told the House Appropriations Committee during a hearing focused on budget requests.

“That is certainly something that we are continuing to work with the Congress to sort of get the authority for,” he added. “But we are working on the technological piece of it so that we can do these telephonic interviews or virtual interviews and have individuals not have to wait 10 years to have their charging documents issued.”

Tae added that ICE also is asking for congressional funding for 45 new agents to process the backlog. —>READ MORE HERE

Report: Foreign Nationals Using Biden’s Migrant Mobile App Have 99% Chance of Being Released into U.S.

More than 99 percent of foreign nationals scheduling appointments at the United States-Mexico border via President Joe Biden’s migrant mobile app are being released into the nation’s interior, a report details.

The mobile app, known as Customs and Border Protection (CBP One), entices foreign nationals living in Mexico who are pregnant, mentally ill, elderly, disabled, homeless, or crime victims to schedule an appointment with agents at the border in the hopes of being released into American communities.

Foreign nationals in Mexico can submit their application for an appointment through the CBP One app up to 14 days in advance and then show up at one of eight Ports of Entry in Arizona, Texas, and California for their appointment.

A new report from Adam Shaw at Fox News reveals that more than 99 percent of foreign nationals using the mobile app end up being released into the U.S. interior — a success rate that is staggering in the often complicated asylum system.

Fox News’s Adam Shaw reports: —>READ MORE HERE

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