April 27, 2023

There is no such thing as transgender because there is no such thing as gender outside of grammar. Feminist theorists like the late Kate Millet pilfered the term from linguistics, where it refers to the practice in many languages (if not English) of labeling nouns, adjectives and, sometimes, verbs, as either masculine, feminine, or neuter. “Gender” was chosen to name an imaginary, inner identity that can be either male or female or a mixture of both having no necessary connection to a person’s anatomy. And never mind that no medical expert can locate its source in the brain or body. Whatever the “transgender” person is feeling, it is no more tangible than a dream or fantasy.

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Before the invention of the term “transgender,” “transexual,” a.k.a. “sex change” was in fashion, though no one ever has been changed into the opposite sex. No male has ever been surgically fitted with a working womb, ovaries, fallopian tubes, etc. The first surgeons who tried to transform a man into a woman were doctors in 1920s “Cabaret” Germany. It is a fair bet that the mad Dr. Mengele at Auschwitz knew of that operation before he executed his satanic “medical” experiments on captive, helpless Jews.

Likewise, no woman has ever been implanted with seed-producing testes and a working male member.

Actually, before the birth of “transgender” and “transsexual”—the honest term was transvestite, meaning one wearing the clothes of the opposite sex, and understanding the mental disorder of “transgender” requires a basic understanding of the uniquely human behavior—among all G-d’s creatures—of wearing clothes. 

Image: Addiction (edited) by Waewkidja.

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Contrary to what one might think, clothes were not invented to protect man from the elements. In the Garden of Eden, as in Polynesia, you didn’t need clothes. Their invention answered a wholly psychological need, i.e., something in the realm of human experience that has no material existence in our three-dimensional universe. The word psychological comes from the Greek psyche, meaning soul (as the Greeks understood it) and, like a dream or fantasy, it is wholly intangible. No psychiatrist has an instrument to peer into a dream; he can only listen to the patient’s report. 

Such is the current abuse of the word “gender.” Indeed, all ideas in the mind and feelings in the heart have no concrete existence. G-d Himself invented clothes to remedy the discomfort of shame that His highest creations felt when they discovered they were exposing their organs of reproduction and evacuation. (Genesis 3:21) 

The Bible also records that 2,447 years later, when the Israelites were given the Five Books of Moses at Mount Sinai, those volumes prohibit not only two men from engaging in a fake version of normal, healthy, procreative intercourse with a woman — mistaking another man’s colon for a womb as the place to deposit his seed—the Books also prohibit men and women from wearing the clothes of the opposite sex. (Deuteronomy 22:5).

Now, fast forward from Mt. Sinai in the year 1313 BCE to schools today that invite men dressed and made up as women to dance lewdly in front of little children. Although, to be honest about it, human entertainment has long included men dressed as women, eliciting in the audience nervous and sometimes hysterical laughter.

Why is that? One reason may be that it incarnates the titillating, mythical fantasy of a hermaphrodite (not to be confused with a newborn with physical birth defects) — that is, an imaginary person with both sex organs capable of having sex with himself. As the Greeks taught us, Narcissus fell in love with his own image in a pool of water and his fate was to pine away, dying alone and childless, because of his unrequited love for himself. 

So-called transgenderism is a mental disorder, a variety of pathological narcissism. We also know from the Bible that so-called homosexual behavior and cross-dressing have been around since the ages of Abraham and Moses respectively, which texts refute any psychological theory that mental disorders result from some kind of trauma or events, when the Bible says nothing of trauma.