April 29, 2023

God must approve of MAGA, because Donald Trump is surely blessed.  He’s never been a politician, and he’s famously undisciplined on the campaign trail.  But he is always blessed with the most incapable opponents to run against.  Those opponents have been the embodiment of incompetence magnified by unlikability.

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In 2016, The Donald ran against Hillary Clinton.  She had the charm of a cockroach and the ethical standards of a…well, a Joe Biden.  She had been a “do nothing” senator and then became a “do something” secretary of state. But what she did was

  • botch Libya — leading to the deaths of four Americans,
  • watch as the Syrian carnage unfolded,
  • expose national secrets on an unsecured bathroom computer,
  • and lose $6 billion of State Department funding.

Then she arrogantly ran for president on a platform of experience and competency.  The left was shocked when Donald Trump won — though I can’t imagine why.

It’s possible that Trump will get the nomination again, and he is blessed again.  Joe Biden announced his candidacy in an early-morning video release, because he wasn’t capable of doing it live — and we all know it.  That’s how horrible of a candidate he is.  Joe certainly isn’t the worst the Dems could put forward, but that’s a testament to how bad their choices are, not how good Joe is.

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Granted, Biden took (and I do mean took) the office from Trump in 2020.  But 2024 will not be 2020.  Joe was hauled into the Oval Office by deception and gaming the system, not by winning the contest of ideas.  The propaganda ministry sold him as a seasoned, kindly statesman, who would return professionalism to the office.  The ministry was assisted by a swamp that leveraged a pandemic for election changes — which have since been found unconstitutional.

I doubt that strategy will work again.  The Biden administration has been eye-opening, to say the least.  Even his own party is begging him to not run again.  Democrats see the problem, just as the voters will.

The Biden 2024 candidate has a disadvantage that the Biden 2020 candidate didn’t have: a record of executive leadership.  Let’s look at a few things that define his presidency.

Joe surrendered in Afghanistan to a poorly armed and poorly trained band of thugs.  A force of 80,000 men beat our 2-million-man professional army because Joe gave up.  In doing so, he left behind over $7 billion of advanced armaments, turning Afghanistan into a better armed version of the terrorism sponsors that it was on September 11, 2001.  He abandoned Americans and broke promises to our allies in the process — setting back international relations by years.  How many citizens will vote for President “Surrender” in 2024?

Joe went on a spending spree with a compliant Congress.  He used our money to give handouts to his political pals — as if the money would never run out.  Joe racked up almost $4 trillion of national debt in his first two years alone — and now refuses to even discuss budget control with the Republican-led House.

His spending, in conjunction with a broken supply chain, incentivized unemployment, and a throttled energy sector has triggered 40-year-high inflation.  The runaway inflation even has a new name — “Bidenflation.”  As Americans watch their savings vanish, how many are thinking, I want some more of that “Bidenflation” guy?