April 29, 2023

According to the American Heritage dictionary, this is the definition of “Stupid”:

1. Slow to learn or understand; obtuse.

2. Tending to make poor decisions or careless mistakes.

3. Marked by a lack of intelligence or care; foolish or careless.

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That applies to a lot of Americans…Democrat voters in general and, in particular, a majority of blacks, college students, and white college-educated women.

Notice I said Democrat voters, not Democrat politicians. Democrat politicians may be many things, hypocrites, liars, traitors and more, but they’re not stupid as defined above. Why? Because they do exactly what they need to do to win and gain power and fortune.

There’s perhaps no better example than Joe Biden. The man is a congenital liar. Plagiarism has been a problem since he was in college and was actually the reason he withdrew from his first presidential campaign. Indeed, Biden is a lying machine! He claimed to have gone to college on a full scholarship, earned three degrees, and graduated in the top of his class. All lies.

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Biden’s career of lies only became more consequential and destructive when he ran for president in 2020. Every campaign is full of hyperbole like “I’m going to cut taxes” or “I’ll be the education president.” But with Biden, the lies went far beyond white lies. He told the American people that his son Hunter’s laptop was Russian propaganda and that he never discussed business with his son. Perhaps most depressingly of all, once he became president, he went on TV and told the country that “White supremacists” are the most dangerous threat to the nation. All lies.

But Joe Biden is not stupid, although even before dementia began to set in, he probably wouldn’t have qualified for Mensa. He may never have been the brightest bulb, but he was and is crazy like a fox when it comes to accumulating money and power.

Not that there’s anything wrong with accumulating money and power. Most Americans would like to be financially secure and have the power to improve the lives of those around them and perhaps beyond. But there’s a difference between grifting for a living and doing an honest day’s work.

The question, then, is how does one guy of marginal intelligence get “elected” to the most powerful job in the world? Easy! Democrat operatives are the Nigerian Princes of American politics.

We’re all familiar with the Nigerian Prince schemes. You get an email telling you that some prince has millions of dollars tied up in an American bank, but he can’t get the money without paying some fee or tax, which, because of some visa application hiccup, he can’t pay. However, if you’ll just pay the $10,000 tax for him, he can get their money and will send you millions. Seems legit….

Hat image from the Federal Republic of Nigeria (CC BY-SA 4.0); Biden image from the public domain.

Any normal person would read the email, often filled with misspellings and outlandish claims, and delete it as an obvious scam. But there are a certain number of people who will take the bait and don’t quite figure out that it’s a scam until their bank accounts are empty.