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Explosive device causes train derailment in Russian border region

A cargo train has veered off track in Russia’s Bryansk Region, according to local governor

An explosive device planted on the tracks has caused the derailment of a cargo train in Russia’s Bryansk Region, which borders Ukraine, the local governor has said.

“An unidentified explosive device has detonated, causing a locomotive of a cargo train to go off track,” Aleksandr Bogomaz wrote on Telegram on Monday.

The incident, which happened in the region’s Unechsky District, did not result in any casualties, the governor said.

Traffic on the affected line has been halted, with rescuers and other services working on site, he added.

Russian Railways has confirmed the incident, saying it occurred at 10:17 Moscow time (7:17 GMT) and caused the locomotive and seven cars to go off track. The engine also caught fire in the crash, it added.

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