Jesus' Coming Back

Senator Kennedy sets a perfect trap…

Same old crap. Never answer with specifics, facts. The scientist say so. Well, what scientists? Who are they? Are they vetted or are they so educated they are stupid.

All the evidence I have seen, even tree rings shown to me by a logger, old government record entries I have read for the Crow Indian Reservation in Montana concerning a droubt year I believe was in the early 1920’s, and old Timers I have talked to here in my part of Idaho, the droubt of the 1930’s that killed most trees along the river indicate our weather goes in patterns of wet and dry and hot and cool. This winter where I am in Idaho had the most snow fall I’ve seen in years and the water content was above the 30 year average. Not that it was our coldest winter but it was the most consistently cold winter I ever recall here since the late 1960’s. Very recently though we went from freezing at night to a few 80 degree days last week and the snow on the valley floor is practically gone, having sunk in the ground where we need it. The mountains surrounding us are still loaded with snow. The next few days are forecasting rain again.

Just me and I’m no scientist but I believe the Sun activity has a great deal to do with our earths magnetic field and always changing weather. If the Moon can change tides, think of what the Sun can do.

All $5 Trillion is going to do is make the wealthy more wealthy and the poor maliciously mandated into compliance more poor. All the years we have bought the newest and best emission controls engineers and scientists developed on cars, trucks, coal power plants, factories, and we are in effect being told again what we bought in on was not enough, there must be much, much more cost and regulations.

My faith is in God and Mother Nature. The weather still changes in Idaho every 5 minutes. Ask a damned Scientist, how often does it change in their office?

Citizen Free Press

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