Jesus' Coming Back

IDF uses explosive drone in West Bank to kill Nablus terrorists – report

The IDF on Thursday killed a number of terrorists in Nablus using a drone, according to Palestinian sources.

In an unusual twist, the drone entered the window of the residence where the terrorists were housed and exploded.

The IDF had confirmed earlier that it was engaged in operations against terrorists in Nablus.

IDF to use armed drones for targeted killings in West Bank?

Until now, the IDF usually has sent in foot soldiers to make arrests and or engage in combat with such terrorists.

A drone is seen ahead of the international ''BLUE GUARDIAN'' drone drill held in Israel. (credit: IDF SPOKESPERSON'S UNIT)A drone is seen ahead of the international ”BLUE GUARDIAN” drone drill held in Israel. (credit: IDF SPOKESPERSON’S UNIT)

The use of an explosive drone in the West Bank may have marked a new tactical shift, possibly to avoid larger friction with the surrounding Palestinian public, while hitting the terrorists themselves with a pinpoint attack.

Until now, drones have been used to collect intelligence and sometimes to fire missiles to assassinate terrorists in Gaza, and kamikaze explosive drones have reportedly been used against Iranian targets, but not in the West Bank.

It was still unknown who the terrorists were.

This is a developing story. 


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