May 7, 2023

Disturbing connections between the macabre practice of necrophilia and Islam are back in the news.

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“In a shocking revelation,” starts one Apr. 29 report, “parents in Pakistan now guard their dead daughters against rape by putting padlocks to their graves. … [N]ecrophilia cases are on the rise in the country.”

Addressing this same phenomenon, another report states:

That a woman is raped every two hours in a country [Pakistan] taking great pride in its family-oriented values has been hammered to the point of repetition in our collective conscience. But the heart-wrenching sight of padlocks on the graves of females is enough for the entire society to hang its head in shame and never dare to look at the so-called vessels of honour. This is being done as a desperate bid to ensure the sanctity of dead bodies in case some randy monsters cherry-pick them to satiate their lust. Considering the rampant rise in necrophilia, one can’t help but understand the urge to protect loved ones.

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This issue is not limited to Pakistan.  According to an Aug. 22, 2022 report, a female Afghan refugee to India “revealed that the Taliban has sex with dead bodies.” 

What to make of these macabre revelations?  Is Islam really to blame? 

As usual, when determining whether a practice is or is not Islamic, one must turn to the prophet of Islam: Muhammad.  According to a bizarre hadith (a recorded tradition concerning his sayings and doings) that exists in six of Islam’s classical reference texts (including the important Kanz al-‘Umal and al-Hujja fi Biyan al-Mahujja), Muhammad once took off his shirt, placed it on a dead woman, and then descended into her grave to “lie with her.”

As they hurled dirt atop the corpse and Muhammad, the grave diggers exclaimed, “O Prophet, we see you doing a thing you never did with anyone else,” to which he responded: “I dressed her in my shirt so that she may be dressed in heavenly robes, and I lay [myself] with her in her grave so that the pressures of the grave may be alleviated from her.”

Clearly, this hadith leaves much room for interpretation, and there is no reason to insist that Muhammad was actually copulating with the corpse.  There are, however, some hurdles:

First, the two Arabic words (ataja’ ma’ha اضطجع معها) translated above as “lay with her,” are also used in Arabic to mean “intercourse.”  This is similar to the English idiom “to lie with her,” which can literally mean nothing more than lying down with a woman but often is an indirect reference to sex.  More than a few Muslim clerics have made this linguistic observation.