Jesus' Coming Back

Julie Kelly — DOJ is going to put Trump in prison BEFORE his trial, as soon as he’s indicted…

Posted by Kane on May 8, 2023 12:55 am


First clip is the most concise with Jesse Kelly and Julie

Trump is going to be indicted three more times this year — Fulton County and two criminal indictments from Jack Smith and DOJ.  This means President Trump will be facing 4, yes four criminal trials in 2024, and if Julie Kelly (and Bannon) are correct, the President will be sitting in prison for the next 12 months if DOJ chooses to indict him on seditious conspiracy charges.

It’s difficult to believe a judge would agree to hold Trump in prison for 12 months as he awaits trial, but Julie Kelly has been right at every step, and she thinks that is the most likely outcome, once the DOJ J6 indictment is filed.

Read these links:

Julie with Mark Levin in a longer interview about charging Trump

110% chance Trump will be indicted

Citizen Free Press

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